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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: fetal tissue cell lines >

New Non-Embryonic Stem Cell Study Shows Progress with Parkinson’s Disease

Ever since human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) were first successfully grown in the lab in 1998, Parkinson’s Disease has featured prominently as one of the major diseases that such cells would supposedly eliminate.

Major Pro-life Victory: HHS Cancels Huge Contract for Taxpayer-Funded Experimentation with Body Parts of Aborted Babies, Announces New Approach

Today’s move demonstrates NIH’s investment in scientifically-proven methods for research: adult stem cells, iPS cells, organoids, humanized mice constructed using postnatally sourced cells and improved non-human cell lines—just to name a few.

New CLI Scholar to Testify at “Pricing of Fetal Tissue” Congressional Hearing

The ACOG Should Reconsider Fetal Pain

Can a fetus feel something like pain before viability, perhaps even by 15 weeks’ gestation? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says no, but increasing evidence suggests that the answer is yes.

Fetal Pain, Following the Evidence

During the Dobbs abortion case hearing, Justice Sotomayor made a number of problematic statements.  She was unfamiliar with decreases in the edge of viability since Roe was handed down (28 weeks then versus approximately 22 weeks gestation today, with an increasing number of infants surviving at 21...

Video: Multiple Sclerosis Survivor Thriving Six Years after Adult Stem Cell Transplant

May 30 marked World Multiple Sclerosis Day, a day to bring together the global MS community, raise awareness, and share stories. In a new patient video released by the Charlotte Lozier Institute’s Stem Cell Research Facts project, multiple sclerosis survivor Allison Carr shares about her journey o...

Improving Joyful Lives: Society’s Response to Difference and Disability

This paper looks at the highly complex genetic condition that is Down syndrome and society’s response to individuals with this condition. This important paper points out that while research to improve the lives of those with Down syndrome has progressed, federal funding for it lags considerably b...

Next Station Stop: The Embryo Farm?

For decades, proponents of destructive embryo research have given at least lip service recognition to the serious ethical concerns inherent to such research. Thus, for example, although the 1999 report from then-President Clinton’s National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Ethical Issues in Human St...