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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: fetal tissue cell lines >

Voyage of Life: Week 7

This week, the preborn baby is about 10,000 times bigger than he was at conception. For perspective, that makes him the size of a blueberry, or a little under a quarter inch from rump to head. ...

Stem Cell Alternative Campaign Progressing in the European Union

A European grassroots initiative with the bold objective of protecting human life even in its most vulnerable embryonic state has gained considerable support across the continent- collecting over 850,000 signatures from a wide array of nations. The “One of Us” initiative is a valiant effort that...

Dr. David Prentice: “What’s All the Fuss About Stem Cells?”

What are stem cells and why are they so fraught with both hope and controversy? CLI's Vice President and Research Director, Dr. David Prentice, recently joined Molly Smith, host of From the Median, to explain the science, history, and politics of stem cells.

Q&A with the Scholars: Down Syndrome and Prenatal Testing

Mark Bradford is President of the Jerome Lejeune Foundation USA since 2012. Mr. Bradford has been researching Down syndrome-related issues and advocating for individuals with Down syndrome since his son, Thomas, was born with Down syndrome in 2001.

Voyage of Life: Week 5

This is no ball of cells! The complexity of the embryo after the fifth week gestation gives the developing human a well-defined blueprint. Cells form distinct layers and the entire body plan begins to emerge. Each cell’s position will give it a specific destiny based on the chemical ...

Testimony of David A. Prentice, Ph.D. before Institute of Medicine on Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy and 3-Parent Embryos

I do believe the Committee should consider these proposed techniques as germline modification, and indeed related to modification of nuclear DNA.  It is mistaken to assume that the mitochondrial DNA modifications will not be passed on to future generations when those genetic modifications, as repla...

Charlotte Lozier Institute Responds to Claim that Aborted Baby Parts Are Needed to Develop COVID-19 Treatment

Those who advocate experimentation using body parts harvested from aborted children are shamelessly exploiting the coronavirus pandemic, playing on people’s fears at a vulnerable time so that a select few can continue to use aborted fetal tissue in their research.

Is Induced Abortion Health Care?

Although induced abortion is often referenced as health care, a critical examination shows that there is little objective evidence that this statement is true.

Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion
Sperm-egg fusion