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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics

At Different Times in Life

As children head back to school, many parents are snapping “first day of school” pictures. This annual event documents not only some interesting fashion trends, but also how physically different we look at different ages.  I recently found an older family album that solidified this fact. I had ...

At Different Times in Life

As children head back to school, many parents are snapping “first day of school” pictures. This annual event documents not only some interesting fashion trends, but also how physically different we look at different ages.  I recently found an older family album that solidified this fact. I had ...

Radio Interview: Dr. David Prentice Explains the Science of Fetal Pain


Abate, Paula, Mariana Pueta, Norman E. Spear, and Juan C. Molina. “Fetal Learning About Ethanol and Later Ethanol Responsiveness: Evidence Against ‘Safe’ Amounts of Prenatal Exposure.” Experimental Biology and Medicine 233, no. 2 (February 1, 2008): 139–54. https://doi....

UK Government Panel Approves Genetically Engineered “Three-Parent” Embryos

Great Britain’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which oversees fertility treatments and embryo research in that nation, recently approved fertility procedures that would amount to the genetic engineering of children through cloning (nuclear transfer) technology and germ-lin...

A Fact-Free Campaign Against Parents and Unborn Children in Alabama

Recently, Alabama passed a new law that grants immunity from both civil and criminal liability to IVF clinics for destroying human embryos, without parents’ consent and for any reason. This came in the wake of the Alabama supreme court ruling that parents can file suit when, without their consent ...

Five Facts About “Life-Limiting” Fetal Conditions

Babies prenatally diagnosed with a life-limiting condition often face discrimination. Some continue to refer to these conditions as “lethal” or “fatal” or “incompatible with life.” In such cases abortion is often offered as the only option to families. The fact is, however, that some of ...