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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Abortion Reporting: Illinois (2017)

Illinois’ 2017 abortion report shows that abortions reported in the state increased from the previous year. The report was published in December 2018 on the Illinois Department of Public Health website.

Abortion Reporting: Montana (2017)

Montana’s vital statistics report for 2017 shows that abortions are continuing to trend downward.

Abortion in the United States 2017: Preliminary Review and a Call for Reform

CLI has analyzed data from 37 states that released abortion reports for 2017 by April 2019, more than a year and a half ahead of the CDC’s established timetable. Together, these 37 state reports allow for an early peek at U.S. abortion trends at the national level and suggest that, among other dev...

AMA Affirms the Physician’s Role as Healer, Rejects Physician-Assisted Suicide

On June 10 the American Medical Association (AMA) voted 360-190 to affirm Report 2 of The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA 2), a nuanced report that ultimately favors maintaining AMA opposition to physician-assisted suicide. Further, a second vote by the House of Delegates yielded 71% o...

Guttmacher Report Shows Pro-Life Progress Continues as U.S. Abortion Rates Decline

On Tuesday, the Guttmacher Institute released a report which included updated abortion data from the year 2017. This new Guttmacher data provides further evidence that America’s abortion rate continues its steady decline.

Abortion Reporting: New York City (2017)

New York City’s vital statistics report for 2017 was published online by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in July 2019. The vital statistics report includes information on abortions performed in the city.

Why the Global Protect Life Rule is Right for the U.S. and Nations Around the World

In January 2017, President Donald Trump took a bold and unprecedented executive action[ii] to restore the Mexico City Policy and extend its reach through Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA), commonly known as the “Global Protect Life Rule.” With this action, President Trump updat...

Abortion Reporting: Illinois (2018)

Illinois’ abortion report for 2018 showed that abortions increased for the second year in a row, reaching the highest annual total since 2012. The report was released in January 2020 by the Illinois Department of Public Health.