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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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CLI Leadership & Staff

Rachel Piazza

Operations Assistant

Rachel Piazza is the Operations Assistant at the Charlotte Lozier Institute where she works on various projects including media tracking, testimony tracking, and managing the Lozier Library, in addition to scheduling and running operations for the department.

Rachel previously worked at The Federalist as Mollie Hemingway’s assistant where she managed the editor-in-chief’s calendar by booking TV hits, running staff meetings, and writing various news articles.

Rachel is a graduate of Christendom College where she received her B.A. in Political Science. During her time at Christendom, she worked on two of the school’s publications as a columnist and senior editor. She also completed various internships, including at a local placental stem cell research lab and CatholicVote.