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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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636 results

Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2023)

Iowa’s 2023 vital statistics report, which includes the state’s abortion statistics, was published online by the Iowa Department of Public Health in January 2025. In what follows, Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) summarizes the information in the abortion report published by the state. The data published by the state does not include the total number of abortions obtained by Iowa residents out of state or the number of self-managed abortions on women outside of the healthcare system.

Mia Steupert, M.A. Elyse Gaitan
February 7, 2025
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Abortion Reporting: Nevada (2023)

Nevada’s 2023 abortion statistics were provided to the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) by the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services upon request. The report shows that total abortions as well as drug-induced abortions increased significantly from 2022.


Abortion Reporting: Delaware (2022)

Delaware’s 2022 abortion report was published online by the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services in January 2025. The report shows that abortions decreased in 2022 from 2021.


Abortion Reporting: Pennsylvania (2023)

Pennsylvania’s 2023 abortion report was published online by the Pennsylvania Department of Health in December 2024. The report shows that abortions increased from the previous year.


Abortion Reporting: Minnesota (2023)

Minnesota’s annual abortion report for 2023 was published online by the Minnesota Department of Health in December 2024. The report shows that Minnesota’s abortion total increased from 2022. Minnesota had originally reported 12,175 abortions performed in the state in 2022, but revised its total estimate for 2022 in the state’s 2023 report. However, the state did not update the different categories of data reported by the state.


Why the Global Protect Life Rule is Right for the U.S. and Nations around the World (2025 Update)

The Mexico City Policy, first introduced in 1984, prohibited U.S. funds for family planning from going to foreign nongovernmental organizations that perform or promote abortion as a method of family planning. In 2017, President Trump restored the MCP and expanded it through Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance, commonly known as the “Global Protect Life Rule," which significantly decreased the amount of taxpayer dollars going to organizations that promote or perform abortion. After Biden rescinded the Rule during his administration, on January 24, 2025, President Trump restored it to ensure that U.S. taxpayer funding is no longer used to promote abortion overseas. The U.S. has shown it can continue to meet critical healthcare needs for women while refusing to pay for the killing of the unborn.


Fact Sheet: Dismemberment Abortion

“Dismemberment abortion” is a layman’s term describing a dilation and evacuation (D&E) procedure that is intended to end the life of an unborn child via induced abortion, typically performed in the second trimester. During this procedure, the unborn baby and other pregnancy tissue are removed in a piecemeal fashion with suction and instruments. There is substantial evidence that unborn babies are capable of experiencing pain by at least 15 weeks of gestation, and as early as 12 weeks, around the point in pregnancy when dismemberment abortions are first performed. Even abortionists who perform dismemberment abortions have testified to the brutality of tearing apart an unborn baby at this stage of development.


The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X

The text of the Title X family planning program prohibits grant recipients from using funds for programs that involve abortion as a method of family planning. With the Protect Life Rule, President Trump’s first administration honored Title X’s text and original intent by ensuring that Title X projects were kept separate from abortion activities. President Biden, however, rescinded the Protect Life Rule and again permitted abortion businesses to flout Title X’s prohibition on abortion as family planning. President Trump can reinstate the Protect Life Rule and avert threats to Title X during his second term.

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