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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Research Type: Legal Briefs & Resources

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March 28, 2025 Is relief the most common reaction to abortion? Self-assessed intensity of emotions attributed to abortion in a national sample of women aged 41 to 45 Is relief the most common reaction to abortion? Self-assessed intensity of emotions attributed to abortion in a national sample of women aged 41 to 45 March 24, 2025 Methodology: Federally Qualified Health Center versus Planned Parenthood Locations, 2025 Methodology: Federally Qualified Health Center versus Planned Parenthood Locations, 2025 March 17, 2025 Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Arkansas’s Policies for Families with Young Children Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Arkansas’s Policies for Families with Young Children
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Life & the Law

Public Comment: Lozier Institute on CDC’s Notice of Proposed Modifications to Assisted Reproductive Technology Program Reporting

On January 25, 2024, CLI submitted a public comment to the CDC regarding newly proposed modifications related to data collection and reporting from assisted reproductive technology programs and modifications to data validation procedures. In light of the fact that none of these proposed changes recognized the inherent value and dignity of nascent human beings created from ART programs, including IVF, CLI took the opportunity to encourage the CDC to do so and to consider limiting, reporting, or regulating "the number of living embryos destined for research and destruction."

Charlotte Lozier Institute Submits Public Comment on HHS Proposed Rule regarding Sect. 1557 of the Affordable Care Act
Life & the Law

Charlotte Lozier Institute Submits Public Comment on HHS Proposed Rule regarding Sect. 1557 of the Affordable Care Act

On October 3, 2022, Charlotte Lozier Institute submitted a public comment on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) “Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities” related to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, published by the Department of Health and Human Services (Department) in the Federal Register on August 4, 2022.

Overview of Michigan Ballot Initiative: “Right to Reproductive Freedom”
Life & the Law

Overview of Michigan Ballot Initiative: “Right to Reproductive Freedom”

This memo is intended to identify a number of likely issues raised by the amendment, and in particular to highlight those abortion restrictions vulnerable to being struck down should the amendment pass. This memo is a high-level summary, and each issue warrants individual attention and further detailed analysis.

CLI Comment: HHS Proposed Rule Fetal Tissue Regulations
Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics

CLI Comment: HHS Proposed Rule Fetal Tissue Regulations

The trafficking of aborted baby body parts for research is barbaric. The Trump administration was dedicated to ending this practice and protecting the sanctity of human life. Grave injustices were exposed that exploited unborn children for experimentation, but were not fully remedied.

The 4th Circuit and a Case on Abortion Telemedicine in the Time of COVID-19
Life & the Law

The 4th Circuit and a Case on Abortion Telemedicine in the Time of COVID-19

Twenty-four U.S. senators and 78 members of the House of Representatives have filed a bicameral amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the case of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists v. United States Food and Drug Administration (ACOG v. FDA). The case is currently on appeal from the District of Maryland to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Lozier Institute Submits Supreme Court Brief in Surrogacy Case
Life & the Law

Lozier Institute Submits Supreme Court Brief in Surrogacy Case

In August 2017 the Charlotte Lozier Institute submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. The brief describes the risks to mothers and children from gestational surrogacy.

Lozier Institute Submits Supreme Court Brief in Pregnancy Help Center Case
Life & the Law

Lozier Institute Submits Supreme Court Brief in Pregnancy Help Center Case

Charlotte Lozier Institute submitted a “friend of the court” brief to the U.S. Supreme Court on April 20 in support of pregnancy help centers (PHCs). The PHCs have challenged a California law, arguing that it forces them to post contact information for a county office that refers for abortion and burdens their ability to advertise their services.

Comments Submitted to Dept. of Health and Human Services on Title X Funding
Life & the Law

Comments Submitted to Dept. of Health and Human Services on Title X Funding

On October 7, the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) filed two separate comments to the Department of Health and Human Services regarding its proposed rule on entities qualifying for the government’s Title X family planning funds. The proposed rule (Compliance with Title X Requirements by Project Recipients in Selecting Subrecipients, 81 FR 61639-61646), which was published September 7, seeks to preclude states from taking action to “restrict participation by certain types of providers as subrecipients in the Title X Program…”

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world-class research in defense of life.
