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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Fetal Development

Fetal Development

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105 results
Fetal Development

Five Facts About “Life-Limiting” Fetal Conditions

Babies prenatally diagnosed with a life-limiting condition often face discrimination. Some continue to refer to these conditions as “lethal” or “fatal” or “incompatible with life.” In such cases abortion is often offered as the only option to families. The fact is, however, that some of these babies may require very minimal medical support after birth or may benefit and be stabilized for further evaluation with medical interventions routinely performed on babies without lethal labels.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
February 15, 2024
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Fetal Development

Tara Sander Lee | “Knit Together in a Mother’s Womb”

Dr. Tara Sander Lee, molecular and cellular biologist at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, shares her firsthand testimony of studying the wonders of human genetics and reproduction as designed by God.

Fetal Development

12 Facts at 12 Weeks

Below we describe 12 amazing facts about the developing human being at 12 weeks of gestation. Enjoy the journey!

Fetal Development

NEBRASKA FACT CHECK: Heart Rate at Six Weeks is 110 Beats Per Minute

The Nebraska Heartbeat Act, announced today by Nebraska Senator Joni Albrecht, would limit elective abortion when a baby’s heartbeat can be detected.  Despite misleading claims by pro-abortion pundits and politicians, the scientific evidence shows that a baby’s first heartbeat occurs at six weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal Development

VIRGINIA FACT CHECK: Science Demonstrates Unborn Babies Feel Pain by 15 Weeks

Virginia’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, introduced today by Delegate Kathy Byron and Senator Stephen Newman, would limit elective abortion at 15 weeks, when both pro-choice and pro-life scientists acknowledge that babies are capable of feeling pain.

Fetal Development

The Effort to Reinterpret EMTALA to Mandate Abortions

The Administration policy is unsupported by the language and history of EMTALA itself, and explicitly forbidden by other equally authoritative federal laws.

Fetal Development

FACT CHECK: Governor DeSantis is Correct; Babies at 15 Weeks Can Feel Pain

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis correctly stated during Monday’s gubernatorial debate that unborn babies can feel pain at 15 weeks gestation.  He also correctly stated that unborn babies at 15 weeks gestation have a heartbeat.

Fetal Development

FACT CHECK: S.C. Chief Justice Beatty is Wrong; Heart Rate at Six Weeks is 110 Beats Per Minute

South Carolina Chief Justice Donald W. Beatty today incorrectly claimed that a six-week gestation baby does not have a heartbeat, stating in a South Carolina Supreme Court hearing that, “it’s really not a heartbeat.  It’s an electrical signal.”

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