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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Become A Defender of Life

Your donation helps us continue to provide world-class research in defense of life.


Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Americans have a right to know the truth. The science about abortion is clear, but the messaging is not. We must shed light on this nation’s debate about this most pressing human rights issue of our time. Doctors, lawmakers, judges, educators, parents, youth, advisors, and journalists NEED clarity – a beacon to pierce the haze of politics and culture and safeguard both unborn lives and mothers.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute stands as a steadfast, shining beacon of light on the science and statistics of life. We have received a window of opportunity to shine this light far and bright.

The impact of your gift:

  • $5,000 provides training, practice, and legal preparation for a scholar testifying before state or federal legislators, or in court.
  • $12,000 provides for one month of CLI attorneys’ work on the Sage censorship case.
  • $25,000 provides for filing an amicus brief to support life in a federal or state court.
  • $100,000 provides funding for peer-reviewed study. Four to six studies are planned for 2025, including in relation to the “ideal pro-life state.”

What abortion is, how abortion may impact a woman's mental health and promote eventual health risks, and the life-affirming alternatives to abortion.


Sage, Inc. is in the business of publishing more than 1,100 peer-reviewed scientific and medical
journals. After the Dobbs ruling, Sage also got into the business of censoring science on life.

Together, we will defeat Big Abortion with the science and statistics of life.

Become A Defender of Life

Your donation helps us continue to provide
world-class research in defense of life.
