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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

maternal mortality

maternal mortality

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October 11, 2024 ACOG Peddles Disinformation About Pro-Life Laws, Plays Politics With Women’s Lives ACOG Peddles Disinformation About Pro-Life Laws, Plays Politics With Women’s Lives October 4, 2024 Scientists Sue Publisher Over Retractions Of Studies Showing Dangers Of Abortion Pills Scientists Sue Publisher Over Retractions Of Studies Showing Dangers Of Abortion Pills October 4, 2024 Scientists Sue Over ‘Discriminatory’ Retraction Of Studies Exposing Abortion Pill Dangers Scientists Sue Over ‘Discriminatory’ Retraction Of Studies Exposing Abortion Pill Dangers
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maternal mortality

Fact Sheet: Are Pro-Life State Laws Preventing Pregnant Women from Receiving Emergency Care?

Articles highlighting poor quality medical care in pro-life states have raised concerns that state laws are preventing pregnant women from obtaining necessary emergency care. However, all pro-life state laws allow doctors to treat women with pregnancy emergencies, no law requires “imminence” before a doctor can intervene, and every pro-life state permits doctors to treat women suffering from miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. Doctors who fail to provide patients with necessary emergency treatment therefore may be committing malpractice.

Tessa Cox Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG
September 13, 2024
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maternal mortality

Dobbs and Medical Deserts: Will Pro-Life Laws Drive Away Doctors and Lead to Hospital Closures?

Post-Dobbs, pro-life states’ efforts to protect life have been met with pushback, including widespread claims that the laws are contributing to hospital closures and driving doctors away. A close look at the data shows that these claims are unjustified. Pro-life states continue to train medical students, recruit future doctors, and position themselves for further growth.

maternal mortality

The Impact of Abortion Laws on Maternal Mortality Rates: What is the Evidence?

Advocates of legal abortion often claim that permissive state abortion laws are associated with lower maternal mortality rates than restrictive state abortion laws. A comparison of state maternal mortality rate changes over three time periods preceding and immediately after Roe v. Wade, however, does not show major differences between the states with permissive abortions laws versus states with restrictive laws.

maternal mortality

Fact Check: “Abortion is 14 Times Safer than Childbirth”

The false claim that abortion is 14 times safer than childbirth arose from a 2012 journal article by two vocal abortion advocates, Elizabeth Raymond and David Grimes. Despite being debunked in the dozen years since, it continues to be repeated by pro-abortion media advocates. This issue of On Women's Health explains numerous reasons this statement is false and not data-driven.

maternal mortality

Handbook of Maternal Mortality: Addressing the U.S. Maternal Mortality Crisis, Looking Beyond Ideology

After years of failure to obtain accurate statistics on maternal mortality, researchers noted a sharp increase in the United States’ maternal mortality with widening racial disparities. Much discussion has followed about possible etiologies of the rise, but the existence of severe deficiencies in data collection and analysis is agreed upon by all.

maternal mortality

Karine Jean-Pierre Is Wrong: Texas Pro-Life Law Allows Doctors to Provide Life-Saving Care to Women

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre incorrectly claimed on Wednesday that a new Texas pro-life law will “block medical providers from providing life-saving and health-preserving care”.  She further claimed that “women may die as a result.”

maternal mortality

Fact Check: Texas Pro-Life “Trigger Law” Allows Doctors to Provide Life-Saving Care to Women

“Sadly, it appears some doctors are making medical decisions based on media pundits and rhetoric, instead of reading the actual law,” said Dr. Ingrid Skop, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., a board-certified OB/GYN who has been practicing in Texas for more than 25 years. 

maternal mortality

Fact Check: Dobbs Will Not Impact Life-Saving Medical Care for High Risk or Ectopic Pregnancies

Pro-abortion politicians and pundits are dangerously spreading misinformation that the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs will prevent pregnant women from receiving necessary medical care in the event of life-threatening complications.

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