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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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February 12, 2025 Are Pro-life Laws Harming Women and Children? An Examination of Claims Against Texas Are Pro-life Laws Harming Women and Children? An Examination of Claims Against Texas February 7, 2025 Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2023) Abortion Reporting: Iowa (2023) February 7, 2025 Abortion Reporting: Nevada (2023) Abortion Reporting: Nevada (2023)
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Fetal Pain, Following the Evidence

During the Dobbs abortion case hearing, Justice Sotomayor made a number of problematic statements.  She was unfamiliar with decreases in the edge of viability since Roe was handed down (28 weeks then versus approximately 22 weeks gestation today, with an increasing number of infants surviving at 21 weeks. As a neonatologist, I found perhaps even more distressing her claim that premature babies who are less than 25 weeks gestation cannot feel pain.

Robin Pierucci, M.D., M.A.
December 21, 2021
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Memo for Justice Kagan: A Lot Has Changed Since Roe and Casey

Justice Elena Kagan today stated during Dobbs oral arguments that “not much has changed since Roe and Casey.”  In reality, science and medicine have made tremendous advancements since 1973, including major advancements in ultrasound, fetal diagnosis, and the ability to treat babies in utero prior to birth.


Constitutional Law Scholar Urges Constitutionality of Five-Month Abortion Laws


Federal Court Upholds Arkansas Heartbeat Testing Requirement

On Friday a federal district court in Arkansas upheld the Arkansas heartbeat testing requirement. The heartbeat testing requirement provides that abortions in Arkansas shall not be performed before testing whether the unborn child possesses a detectible heartbeat.


Survival of Extremely Premature Infants Possible, Improving

In a new video released by commentator William Saletan at Slate magazine, the author critiques videos released by the activist group Live Action regarding clinics that perform late-term abortions.  In those videos, Live Action shows interactions between women whose pregnancies are in the range of 23 completed weeks of gestation.  Saletan critiques the editing of the video to omit points he argues show the clinics in a more favorable light, then states, “Here’s the big thing… even if you didn’t administer an injection, that kills the fetus inside the womb, which nearly all of these clinics do, the mere expulsion of the fetus, even at 21, 22, or 23, weeks is, itself, fatal.  That fetus is not prepared to survive the womb.”

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