Elise Rose, Ph.D., M.A.
Associate ScholarElise Rose earned her doctorate in agronomy at Kansas State University, her Master of Arts in Teaching from Howard University, and her Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University. She is a former Adjunct Professor of Biology, as well as Director of Tutoring, at Ave Maria University. Dr. Rose has taught classes on microbiology, introductory biology laboratory and lectures, and animal biology at the college level. She has done research for the U.S. EPA, the Department of Energy, the Wisconsin State Department of Agriculture, the White House Committee on Science and Technology Policy, and NASA.
Dr. Rose has been working for the prolife cause since 1968, when more permissive abortion laws were brought to her neighboring state of Kansas. She went to her first prolife rally after the Supreme Court legalized abortion in January 1973, one month after she finished her final exam in embryology.
Elise has participated in sidewalk counseling among other prolife work. She joined Feminists for Life in 1982, and served as National Vice President for Public Relations for Feminists for Life from 1986 to 1992. She also wrote a number of essays, including “Abortion Doesn’t Liberate Women,” and columns such as “Identifying with the Human Animal.”
After her children were born, Dr. Rose took up telephone counseling for a prolife pregnancy center. Her greatest accomplishment is to have saved several children from abortion by counseling and supporting their mothers. She continues to do sidewalk counseling and to speak and write about life issues.