Abortion Reporting: Vermont (2022)
Vermont’s 2022 abortion statistics were published online as part of the state’s full vital statistics report in July 2024. The report is available on the website of the Vermont Department of Health.
Statistics and Changes in Vermont Abortions, 2021-2022
This report does not include information on Planned Parenthood’s abortion market share.
Abortion Totals and Trends
There were 1,108 abortions reported in Vermont in 2022, an increase of 7% from the prior year. Drug-induced abortions increased by 2%, from 743 in 2021 to 759 in 2022 (Fig. 1). The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) estimates that Vermont’s abortion rate increased by 7% to 9.2 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 (Fig. 2).1 Of the 39 states that have reported abortion statistics for 2022, 23 (including Vermont) have reported abortions increasing.
State Report Summary
In 2022, 80% of the abortions reported in Vermont were performed on state residents, while 20% were performed on nonresident women, including 12% on women from New Hampshire. Nine percent of Vermont abortions were performed on girls ages 19 or younger (with 4% on girls under the age of 18). Twenty-nine percent were performed on women ages 20 to 24 and a quarter on women ages 25 to 29. One-third of abortions were performed on women ages 30 to 39. Four percent were on women who were age 40 or older.
Fifty-eight percent of Vermont abortions were performed on women with no children. Nineteen percent were on women with one child, and 22% were on women with two or more children. Seventeen percent of the abortions were performed on women who were either married or separated. Seventy-six percent were on unmarried women, and 7% were on women of unknown marital status.
Thirty-five percent of Vermont abortions were on women who had a high school diploma as their highest level of education. Forty-one percent of abortions were on women who had attended college, with 19% on women with one to three years of college and 22% on women with four or more years. Seven percent were performed on women with less than a high school education. Education was not reported for 17% of abortions.
Seventy-four percent of Vermont abortions were performed before nine weeks of gestation. Eleven percent were performed between nine and 10 weeks, 5% between 11 and 12 weeks, and 4% between 13 and 15 weeks of gestation. Another four percent were performed from 16 to 20 weeks. Sixteen abortions, 1.4% of the total, were performed at 21 weeks of gestation or later. Most Vermont abortions, 69%, were drug-induced. A quarter were suction curettage procedures, and 7% were performed using a different procedure.
Abortions by Facility
Ninety-one percent of the abortions occurred in abortion clinics, while 8% occurred in hospitals and 1% in doctor’s offices. Planned Parenthood operates all but one brick-and-mortar abortion center in Vermont, with Planned Parenthood centers in the state performing abortions. However, it is unclear how many abortions were reported by virtual centers and online abortion pill distributors in the state or whether these are included in the abortion clinic total.
State Ranking
In 2024, CLI reevaluated abortion reporting across the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City. Vermont’s reporting ranked 34th best. Since Vermont uses state funds to pay for abortions for Medicaid-eligible women, the state could report the method of payment for each abortion. Vermont could also report whether any abortions resulted in complications and the reasons why women had an abortion.
- National rates were calculated by the Guttmacher Institute. Vermont rates were calculated by CLI using the following formula: (total number of abortions performed in Vermont ÷ number of resident women ages 15-44 [based on most recent population estimates]) x 1,000. Rates may differ slightly from previous CLI articles due to revised population estimates. Population estimates were obtained from CDC WONDER. Estimates for 2005-2009 are intercensal estimates of the July 1 resident population. Estimates for 2010-2019 are Vintage 2020 postcensal estimates of the July 1 resident population. Estimates for 2020-2022 are Vintage 2022 postcensal estimates of the July 1 resident population. Population estimates were produced by the U.S. Census Bureau and the National Center for Health Statistics.