Planned Parenthood and Federally Qualified Health Centers
While Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, having performed 327,653 abortions in 2013,[1] federally qualified health centers (FQHCs),[2] which operate in service sites in both rural and urban locations, offer low-income populations health services similar to those provided by Planned Parenthood, but do not perform abortions.

- There are over 13 times more FQHC Service Sites (9,170) nationwide than there are Planned Parenthood centers (about 700).[3]
- FQHCs serve 21.1 million individuals per year, nearly eight times more individuals than are served by Planned Parenthood centers (2.8 million).[4]
See the comparison by state:
*To view the national summary as PDF, please see National_Comparison of Planned Parenthood to Federally Qualified Health Centers_CLI
*For a map depicting the locations of these FQHC service sites plus rural health clinics, please see:
[1] See
[2] For definitions of FQHCs and service sites, see
[3] “Key Health Center Data by State, 2013: Federally-Funded Health Centers Only,” National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC). (accessed July 30, 2015).
[4] GAO “Federal Obligations to and Expenditures by Selected Entities Involved in Health-Related Activities 2010-2012” (Mar 2015). (accessed July 30, 2015).