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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

AbortionChemical Abortion

Science of Abortion Pill Reversal: Too Hard a Pill for Planned Parenthood to Swallow?

When a woman regrets her original choice for abortion, she deserves information on other science-based options, writes Associate Scholar Kristi Burton Brown:

When Amy Mendoza had a change of heart the day after she swallowed an abortion pill, a word she’d seen on Facebook flashed through her mind: “reversal.” She recalled a story she’d read on social media about another woman who had saved her baby’s life by using abortion reversal.


Amy couldn’t remember all the details and didn’t even know if she could try abortion reversal, but she knew she had to find out. She also knew she couldn’t turn to Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood facility in Boulder, Colorado had already instructed Amy that once she took the first abortion pill, her decision couldn’t be changed. She says Planned Parenthood told her she had to take the second pill.

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