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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Mary E. Harned, J.D.

Associate Scholar

Mary E. Harned served as an Investigative Counsel with the Select Investigative Panel of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, where she coauthored reports examining the fetal tissue industry. Formerly, Mary was Staff Counsel with Americans United for Life, where she authored numerous articles for Defending Life (AUL’s annual publication), op-eds, blog posts, congressional and state legislative testimony, and federal administrative comments. She also crafted original model legislation and supporting materials to aid state and federal legislators in advancing policy objectives within her expertise. Mary appeared in the media in her role at AUL, including Fox News, CBN, National Review Online, The Washington Times, The Daily Caller, Lifenews, and numerous radio programs and print interviews.

Mary formerly served as Chief Counsel to U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), where she advised and assisted Dr. Coburn on policy issues within the Senate Judiciary Committee’s jurisdiction and on all judicial nominations, including those of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court. Prior to that, she served as a Counsel to U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions  (R-AL) on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Mary graduated cum laude from the University of Alabama School of Law, and received her B.A. in political science from the University of Alabama, where she served as president of the campus pro-life organization. Mary also served as a board member and counselor for the local pregnancy care center, and as Chairman of the College Republican Federation of Alabama.

She lives with her husband and children in northern Virginia.

Research Authored

Life & the Law

The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X

The text of the Title X family planning program prohibits grant recipients from using funds for programs that involve abortion as a method of family planning. With the Protect Life Rule, President Trump’s first administration honored Title X’s text and original intent by ensuring that Title X projects were kept separate from abortion activities. President Biden, however, rescinded the Protect Life Rule and again permitted abortion businesses to flout Title X’s prohibition on abortion as family planning. President Trump can reinstate the Protect Life Rule and avert threats to Title X during his second term.

Life & the Law

IVF Industry Regulation in the United States: Changes Are Needed to Protect Embryonic Children and their Families

Federal, state, and professional regulations provide a very limited patchwork of protections for IVF patients, let alone their unborn children created through the procedure. There is a need for improved regulation of the IVF industry, both federally and at the state level.

Life & the Law

Fact Sheet: Are Pro-Life State Laws Preventing Pregnant Women from Receiving Emergency Care?

Articles highlighting poor quality medical care in pro-life states have raised concerns that state laws are preventing pregnant women from obtaining necessary emergency care. However, all pro-life state laws allow doctors to treat women with pregnancy emergencies, no law requires “imminence” before a doctor can intervene, and every pro-life state permits doctors to treat women suffering from miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. Doctors who fail to provide patients with necessary emergency treatment therefore may be committing malpractice.

Life & the Law

Misleading Statements About “Life of the Mother” Exceptions in Pro-life Laws Require Correction

Recently CLI scholars Ingrid Skop, M.D. and Mary Harned, J.D. published a rebuttal in Issues in Law & Medicine to a series of misleading statements made in an article that appeared in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Life & the Law

Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms (April 2024)

This report compares gestational limits on abortion in the U.S. with limits in other countries and serves as an update to CLI's original 2014 study. Of 193 U.N. countries, the U.S. is one of eight countries that allows, at the federal level, abortion on demand without any gestational limits. The U.S. is also one of only 15 countries in the U.N. that permit abortion on demand past 15 weeks of gestation, meaning its abortion law is far more permissive than the vast majority of the world.

Life & the Law

Pro-Life Laws Protect Mom and Baby: Pregnant Women’s Lives are Protected in All States

Every state with strong pro-life laws allows doctors to intervene to save a woman’s life in a medical emergency.

Life & the Law

Abortion “Shield Laws”: Pro-Abortion States Seek to Force Abortion on Life-Affirming States

In post-Dobbs America, lawmakers in abortion-promoting states are predictably repealing their paltry life-affirming statutes and solidifying the special legal status that their states afford to abortion.

Life & the Law

Pro-Abortion States Accelerate Their Race to the Bottom

Legislators and governors in abortion-promoting states are forging new strategies in their war on unborn children.

Life & the Law

Courts in Iowa and Mississippi Show Signs They Will Follow the U.S. Supreme Court

In Iowa and Mississippi, state supreme court decisions have created an additional impediment to the enforcement of the states’ abortion bans.

Life & the Law

New Radical Laws in States Hostile to Unborn Children

Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington have amplified or codified a special status for abortion in their state law.