Steven Braatz, M.D.
Associate ScholarDr. Braatz is a board-certified Ob/Gyn physician who lives in northern California with his wife, Lori, who is a retired labor and delivery nurse. They both work in Susanville, California and have three grown children. Dr. Braatz retired from the Navy in 2008 after serving as the chairman of the Ob/Gyn Department at the Naval Medical Center, San Diego, and also serving with the Marine Corps First Medical Battalion in Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), and the Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom). He serves on the board of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, is a member of the Catholic Medical Association, and has written op-ed pieces for newspapers, magazines, and pro-life websites. Additionally, he has served as an expert witness and testified in the legislature on pro-life issues. He was awarded the Humanitarian Service Award by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2008 for his medical missions work in West Africa. Dr. Braatz teaches Confirmation class and organizes youth activities at his parish, and he and his wife both volunteer with Teen Challenge, an organization providing Christ-centered outreach and recovery to those struggling with alcoholism and addiction.
Research Authored
Q&A with the Scholars: Conscience and Reason in Health Care
Dr. Steven Braatz is a board-certified Ob/Gyn physician. In this interview he discusses the role of conscience and reason in health care, whether abortion is ever medically necessary, his experiences abroad, and why he is pro-life.