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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Life & the LawAbortion

Lozier Institute Files Brief in Support of Daleiden & Center for Medical Progress

The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) and Americans United for Life (AUL) recently filed an amicus brief in a major lawsuit over the late-term abortion videotapes collected by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).  This lawsuit involves a vital public policy question: Can an association of abortion providers like the National Abortion Federation (NAF) successfully block the release of videos that show members of their organization potentially engaged in encouraging, supporting or facilitating the acquisition and/or sale of body parts from the unborn during the abortion process?

CLI amicus brief cover
[Full text available below]


A federal district court in San Francisco complied with NAF’s demand to block release of hundreds of hours of videotape, and a federal appeals court panel will soon decide whether to dissolve that court order and allow these tapes to be seen publicly, or to affirm the order and keep the content of the videos from public view.


CLI’s and AUL’s exhaustive legal brief examines everything that has already happened in light of the release of other videos CMP has made of the abortion industry and its practices, pointing out the depth of public concerns and the multiple hearings, votes, legislative remedies and other steps that have been taken or proposed to address the profound issues the videos raise.


This compilation contained in the legal brief demonstrates the public interests at stake and should encourage the general public about  the impact of this debate and the efforts being made to ensure that no industry in America can stifle information about its practices that skirt applicable law and affront the most basic level of decency.  CLI will continue to partner with outstanding organizations like AUL to affirm the value of every human life and to promote respect for life in science and medicine.


To read the full amicus brief, please see HERE.


Chuck Donovan is president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

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