ACOG Peddles Disinformation About Pro-Life Laws, Plays Politics With Women’s Lives

Last week, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) called for states to repeal pro-life laws because they “are preventing ob-gyns and other clinicians from providing health care to their patients.” ACOG specifically condemned “attempts to misuse examples of tragic deaths that result from abortion bans” by “groups aiming to advance their harmful anti-abortion political agenda.”
As a board-certified OB-GYN who practices in Texas, a state with a pro-life law, I’m appalled at these claims. Over my 30-year career, I have cared for pregnant women and delivered over 5,000 babies. After Texas enacted its pro-life law, the quality medical care I provide did not change nor has the law prevented me from caring for my patients, even in cases of pregnancy emergencies.