Charlotte Lozier Scholars Discuss Bioethical Challenges and Exploiting Nascent Human Beings
On Friday, September 22, 2023, Dr. David Prentice and Dr. Tara Sander Lee presented at Faith and Law’s Friday Forum session on Capitol Hill. Faith and Law organizes sevents for members of Congress and Hill staff where speakers present on political, legal, and cultural issues from a Biblical worldview.
Dr. Prentice and Dr. Sander Lee discussed how academia and society have pitted scientific progress and ethical research against each other as if they could not coexist without the destruction of human life, including a new form of human research subjects called embryo ‘models.’ Modern scientific progress has claimed that these embryo ‘models’ are not real human beings but Dr. Tara Sander Lee and Dr. Prentice discussed in how all nascent human life deserves protection. In their presentation, both Prentice and Sander Lee presented the science of nascent human beings as well as the ethics, public policies, and legal challenges that threaten ethical scientific research and nascent human lives.
Bioethical Challenges and Exploiting Nascent Human Beings from Faith and Law on Vimeo.