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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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January 21, 2025 The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X January 17, 2025 Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” January 16, 2025 Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States?
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Abortion Reporting: California

California does not collect or report abortion data. The Centers for Disease Control’s 1996 abortion surveillance report was the last to include California data.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
May 24, 2023
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Assembly Bill 315 is an overly broad attack on pro-life pregnancy centers

As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Lawmakers in California would do well to heed the words of the Nobel laureate and preeminent scientist of the 20th century.


Map: Assisted Suicide in the States

This map shows the status of laws prohibiting or permitting assisted suicide, including physician-assisted suicide (PAS) in the United States. Last updated: April 15, 2019.


New State Abortion Reporting Map: All Existing Data in One Place

This groundbreaking State Abortion Reporting Map brings together Charlotte Lozier Institute’s comprehensive state abortion reports into one easy-to-use tool for our friends in the pro-life movement, researchers, journalists and policymakers


Common Sense Prevails as CA Governor Brown Vetoes Abortion Drug Expansion Bill

In response to news that California Governor Jerry Brown (D) has vetoed S.B. 320, legislation that would force campus health centers at state universities to dispense abortion-inducing drugs, Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the research and education arm of Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), released the following statement:


The Hill: Supreme Court ruling may pave way for more faith-based pregnancy centers

The Supreme Court's ruling Tuesday in favor of anti-abortion clinics in California will make it easier for similar facilities in other states to dissuade women from getting abortions. The court ruled 5-4 that a California law requiring clinics known as "crisis pregnancy centers" to inform women about how to receive low-cost abortions from the state likely violates the First Amendment...


Pregnancy Centers Win Major Legal Contest at Supreme Court

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that pregnancy help centers are likely to succeed in a challenge to a California law forcing them to advertise for abortion. The case isn’t over. It will go back to the trial court for additional fact finding and then a final ruling on the legal issues. But the ruling is a major legal victory for pregnancy help centers.


Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Win Big at Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court today delivered a major victory for the constitutional rights of pro-life pregnancy centers, reversing a 9th Circuit ruling upholding a California law that would force them to advertise and refer for abortion.

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world-class research in defense of life.
