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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

amicus brief

amicus brief

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amicus brief

Filed: CLI and ACLJ Amicus Brief in SisterSong v. Georgia

After litigation in lower courts, the constitutionality of Georgia's 2019 LIFE Act, which protects fetal life from the moment of a detectable heartbeat, is now being considered before the Supreme Court of Georgia. The Charlotte Lozier Institute and the American Center for Law & Justice have submitted an amicus brief arguing that Georgia has a compelling interest in protecting fetal life before viability due to the evidence for the presence of fetal pain early in pregnancy.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
January 13, 2025
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amicus brief

OB-GYN: EMTALA Decision Will Force Doctors to End Patients’ Lives Through Elective Abortions

In response to the U.S Supreme Court’s opinion in Idaho v. United States (also called Moyle v. United States), Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified OB-GYN who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, reacted.

amicus brief

Filed: CLI Amicus Brief in Idaho’s Moyle v. United States EMTALA Case

CLI recently filed an amicus brief in the case Moyle v. United States (consolidated with Idaho v. U.S.) to be considered before the Supreme Court this April. The Biden administration has interpreted the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act in a way that would compel emergency room doctors to perform abortions even when a mother’s life is not in danger. According to CLI, such an interpretation of EMTALA is incoherent and in conflict with the plain sense of the text.

amicus brief

Filed: CLI Amicus Brief in SCOTUS Case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

On March 26, SCOTUS will hear oral arguments in the case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. In the case, AHM argues that the FDA's changes to regulations of the abortion drug mifepristone were "arbitrary and capricious." CLI filed a brief in support of AHM, arguing that abortion with mifepristone is not "safe," that the FDA's loosening of mifepristone regulations makes these safety concerns even worse, and that AHM et al. have standing, since they would suffer concrete injury under the current loosened mifepristone regulations, being at risk of finding themselves complicit in abortion procedures.

amicus brief

Scientists to SCOTUS: FDA Harms Women & Doctors by Allowing Dangerous Mail-Order Abortion Drugs

As the nation’s leading pro-life scientific, statistical and research center, the Charlotte Lozier Institute has filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to affirm the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that found the FDA likely violated the law when it loosened safeguards on abortion drugs by allowing them to be sent by mail.

amicus brief

Filed Brief: Zurawski v. Texas and Reasonable Medical Judgment

In February 2024, CLI filed a joint amicus brief with the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine supporting Texas in the case Zurawski v. State of Texas. The state’s abortion law is challenged on the grounds that its medical emergency exception is unduly vague, leaving physicians confused and unable to properly intervene to help pregnant women. Texas and CLI/AHM, however, argue that the “reasonable medical judgment” standard for when doctors are justified in intervening to save a mother’s life or major bodily function is both legally and medically sound. CLI and AHM agree with Texas, and expand on why their position is justified in this brief submitted to the court.

amicus brief

Lozier Institute Amicus Brief in Support of Ecuador Law Limiting Abortion

On February 19, 2024, CLI associate scholar Mary E. Harned, J.D., submitted an amicus brief on behalf of CLI to the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. This brief was written in support of three provisions of Ecuador’s Organic Law Regulating the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy: (1) a requirement that ultrasounds be performed prior to abortion decisions, (2) a 12-week gestational age limit on abortion, and (3) a prohibition on the commodification of post-abortion fetal remains. Following is CLI’s amicus brief reproduced in full.

amicus brief

Response to Media Allegations that Abortion Restrictions Cause Maternal Mortality and Female Suicides

Each concern regarding abortion restrictions and maternal health is addressed below from an evidence-based perspective, followed by a rebuttal to the most recent claims in the media.

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