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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

assisted suicide

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assisted suicide

Washington State: Expanding Death Without Dignity

On February 27, the Washington state senate decided to subject many more of its residents to the risk of being hastened toward death by drug overdose.

Richard Doerflinger, M.A.
March 13, 2023
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assisted suicide

Lethal Non-Compliance with Washington’s “Death with Dignity Act”

Beginning with Oregon in 1997, ten states and the District of Columbia have legalized physician-assisted suicide (PAS) for patients said to have a terminal illness.

assisted suicide

Studies Confirm: Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide Does Not Save Lives

Normalizing physician-assisted suicide as an acceptable form of “care” raises concerns about promoting suicide when we aim to prevent it.

assisted suicide

Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Path to Active Euthanasia

The founding intentions of the PAS movement, the grim practical realities of suicide by oral overdose, the legal principles at stake, and the state of public opinion all argue that the move from PAS to euthanasia, once the former is more widely accepted, would be not only a “slippery slope” but a virtual free fall.

assisted suicide

As Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Deaths Double, Advocates Push to Expand to Mentally Incompetent & Deny Spoon-Feeding

A new report by Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) Associate Scholar Richard Doerflinger, M.A. finds that deaths by assisted suicide in Oregon nearly doubled in just four years, with 143 assisted suicide deaths occurring in 2017 compared to 73 in 2013.

assisted suicide

Oregon’s Assisted Suicides: The Up-to-Date Reality in 2017

In February 2018 the Oregon Health Authority released its latest annual report on legally authorized physician-assisted suicides, covering deaths that occurred in 2017.[1]  This provides a renewed opportunity to test the constantly repeated claim of the advocacy group “Compassion & Choices” that its flagship assisted suicide law in Oregon, the model for laws in other states, has been working well for 20 years with no “abuses.” Chronically ill seniors, potentially victims of untreated depression and the impression that they have become a “burden” on others, are nudged to a premature death that may be more gruesome than they’ve been led to believe, with no one usually present at the time of death to check whether they are competent, badgered by others, or overtly coerced toward that death.  This is what has become known as “death with dignity” in Oregon, and advocates are working to spread it to far more states.

assisted suicide

Current Bipartisan Opposition to Assisted Suicide

Bipartisan legislation recently emerged in the U.S. House of Representatives against assisted suicide and for real health care for Americans facing illness and the end of life. The concurrent resolution H.Con.Res.80 expresses “the sense of the Congress that assisted suicide… puts everyone, including those most vulnerable, at risk of deadly harm and undermines the integrity of the health care system.” This resolution is a positive step towards educating Americans about the dangers of physician-assisted suicide and discussing true comprehensive health care – including palliative care, hospice, and life-extending treatments – for Americans facing the end of life.

assisted suicide

Basic Care, Human Dignity, and Care for Medically Vulnerable Persons

Physical and cognitive disability should not mean one’s situation is considered “end of life,” yet too many persons who are not dying are described this way.

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