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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Supreme Court

Supreme Court

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January 17, 2025 Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” January 16, 2025 Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? January 13, 2025 Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children
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Supreme Court

OB-GYN: EMTALA Decision Will Force Doctors to End Patients’ Lives Through Elective Abortions

In response to the U.S Supreme Court’s opinion in Idaho v. United States (also called Moyle v. United States), Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified OB-GYN who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, reacted.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
June 27, 2024
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Supreme Court

Filed: CLI Amicus Brief in SCOTUS Case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

On March 26, SCOTUS will hear oral arguments in the case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. In the case, AHM argues that the FDA's changes to regulations of the abortion drug mifepristone were "arbitrary and capricious." CLI filed a brief in support of AHM, arguing that abortion with mifepristone is not "safe," that the FDA's loosening of mifepristone regulations makes these safety concerns even worse, and that AHM et al. have standing, since they would suffer concrete injury under the current loosened mifepristone regulations, being at risk of finding themselves complicit in abortion procedures.

Supreme Court

Scientists to SCOTUS: FDA Harms Women & Doctors by Allowing Dangerous Mail-Order Abortion Drugs

As the nation’s leading pro-life scientific, statistical and research center, the Charlotte Lozier Institute has filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to affirm the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that found the FDA likely violated the law when it loosened safeguards on abortion drugs by allowing them to be sent by mail.

Supreme Court

Science to Judge Jackson: Yes, An Unborn Child Can Feel Pain

Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson today answered, “I don’t know,” when asked by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) if an unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks gestation. According to modern, peer-reviewed science, her answer should have been, “Absolutely, yes.”

Supreme Court

Justice Sotomayor Is Wrong: Fetal Pain Is Not ‘Fringe Science’

Justice Sonia Sotomayor incorrectly claimed during today’s Dobbs oral arguments that the existence of fetal pain before 24 weeks is only believed by a “small fringe of doctors,” seeming to ignore modern peer-reviewed studies that have influenced the work of Dr. Stuart Derbyshire, one of the world’s leading neuroscientists, who writes that fetal pain is possible “from as early as 12 weeks.”

Supreme Court

Memo for Justice Kagan: A Lot Has Changed Since Roe and Casey

Justice Elena Kagan today stated during Dobbs oral arguments that “not much has changed since Roe and Casey.”  In reality, science and medicine have made tremendous advancements since 1973, including major advancements in ultrasound, fetal diagnosis, and the ability to treat babies in utero prior to birth.

Supreme Court

Chief Justice Roberts Is Correct: U.S. Abortion Law Is Outside Global and European Mainstream

Chief Justice John Roberts correctly stated during today’s Dobbs oral arguments that United States abortion law is extreme in comparison to global and European norms.

Supreme Court

Dobbs Case: What Science Reveals About 15-Week-Old Unborn Babies

Science reveals that an unborn baby’s heart has already beat nearly 16 million times by the 15th week of gestation, or the point at which a contested Mississippi law limits elective abortion. As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments Wednesday in the Dobbs second-trimester abortion case, the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) is highlighting peer-reviewed, up-to-date, scientific facts about 15-week-old unborn babies.

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