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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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July 24, 2024 Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2023) Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2023) July 11, 2024 Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) July 2, 2024 Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument
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15 results

Big Abortion Needs Big Government: The Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood

If we want to reduce the abortion rate, we must stop funding Planned Parenthood with tax dollars, writes Dr. Michael New.

Michael J. New, Ph.D.
September 14, 2017

Connecticut’s Annual Abortion Report Leaves Ample Room for Improvement

Connecticut’s 2016 abortion report provides a useful, yet lacking, snapshot of abortion in the state. Though not published online, the annual abortion report is made available to individuals upon request by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Abortion Advocates Push Risky ‘Telemed’ Abortions

Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities endanger women with risky, unsupervised chemical abortions, writes Dr. Michael New at National Review.

New Non-Embryonic Stem Cell Study Shows Progress with Parkinson’s Disease

Ever since human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) were first successfully grown in the lab in 1998, Parkinson’s Disease has featured prominently as one of the major diseases that such cells would supposedly eliminate.


Mainstream Media Mislead on Public Health in Texas

Texas has clearly shown that positive public health outcomes are possible without taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood -- but one would scarcely know from reading the media coverage, writes Dr. Michael New at CNSNews


Planned Parenthood Poll Misleads on Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

Contrary to the purported findings of a misleading Planned Parenthood-commissioned poll, a majority of Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortion, writes Dr. Michael New at the New Boston Post.


CLI President Chuck Donovan: Eliminating Down Syndrome Children Is Not Something to Be Proud Of

In a recent op-ed at The Daily Signal, CLI President Chuck Donovan responded to tragic news about the disappearance of children with Down Syndrome from Iceland due to genetic screening and abortion.

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