By eleven weeks, the nerve receptors inside the fetal skin can sense light touch. If something lightly tickles the sole of the fetus’s foot, the fetus will bend his knee to withdraw his foot, and may curl his toes.7
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Week 11
Complex behaviors
- Post-conception week 9
- Days 56-62
- Gestational Week 11
The preborn child is officially called a fetus.
The fetus starts producing substance P, a neurotransmitter specific to pain signaling.1
External genitalia start developing into a penis or a clitoris and labia majora. A female develops a distinct uterus. Her future egg cells are replicating in the ovaries.2
Red blood cells start forming in the liver.3
Once the preborn baby starts moving, he doesn’t keep still! When researchers quantified fetal movements, they found that the fetus does not stay still for more than 13 minutes at a time.4 The fetus starts showing more complex behaviors, such as thumb-sucking, swallowing, and stretching.5 These complex behaviors reflect the explosive growth in the developing brain, growing at over 250,000 neurons per minute.6
Prenatal development is continuous. There is no clear feature distinguishing an embryo from a fetus. Historically, if bone marrow had started replacing cartilage within the leg bone called the femur, then the embryo was considered a fetus.8 Now, at 11 weeks, the embryo is called a fetus. A fetus has developed every major body organ, though they may not be in their final location, and they may not be fully functional yet.9
The amniotic sac is a thin but tough pair of transparent membranes, which hold the developing baby until shortly before birth. The inner membrane, called the amnion, contains the amniotic fluid and the fetus. The amnion does not have any blood vessels of its own. The other membrane, called the chorion, keeps the amnion safe and is part of the placenta. The chorion contains fetal blood vessels.10
Before the fetal skin thickens, water and nutrients from the amniotic fluid actually pass through the skin to the fetus. Fluids from the fetal digestive tract and respiratory system enter the amniotic fluid as well. Starting around 13 weeks, the fetus starts urinating into the amniotic fluid, too. Given that the amniotic fluid penetrates the developing fetus at many locations, it must be kept clean. In fact, the water content of the amniotic fluid changes every three hours! Large amounts of water pass through the amniochorionic membrane at the placenta to keep amniotic fluid in balance with fetal circulation.11
The volume of amniotic fluid increases slowly, reaching around 30 milliliters around 12 weeks, 350 milliliters around 22 weeks and up to 1 liter by the time the baby is born.12
The baby’s sex is determined at conception by the combination of X and Y sex chromosomes that the baby receives from the egg and the sperm. All eggs contribute an X chromosome, while sperm contribute either an X or a Y chromosome. Embryos with XY chromosomes develop male sex organs, while those with XX chromosomes develop female sex organs. Therefore, the father’s sperm determines a baby’s sex.13
For the first few weeks of development, all embryos have both male and female internal reproductive structures, and their external genitalia remains similar for until about 10 weeks gestation. Between 8 and 12 weeks, the baby’s internal sex organs start to develop. The Y chromosome signals for male hormone production around 8 weeks These hormones act on the reproductive structures, turning them male. Although rare, there are various genetic and developmental disorders that can occur during sex development. By 12 weeks, the external genitalia start to lengthen in males to form the penis, or remain short in females to form the clitoris and labia. By 14 weeks, doctors can usually determine if the baby is a boy or a girl using ultrasound.14