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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Fetal Development

Fetal Development

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106 results
Fetal Development

Landmark Pain-Capable and Five-Month Abortion Bans

CLI is pleased to release a new map showing landmark pain-capable and five-month abortion bans passed at the state level.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
August 15, 2019
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Fetal Development

Legislative and Litigation Overview of Five-Month Abortion Laws Enacted Before or After 2010

Since January 2010, twenty-one states have enacted statutes prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy, roughly five months or more than halfway through pregnancy. All but one of these laws make at least some explicit reference to fetal pain in either the title, findings, statement of purpose or intent, definitions, substantive provisions, or some combination of these legislative elements.

Fetal Development

Justice Thomas Confirms that Down Syndrome Issue Presents Question of “First Impression”

On May 28, 2019 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a long-anticipated ruling in an abortion case from Indiana involving disposition of fetal remains and whether a state may prohibit abortions performed because of the child’s race, sex, or diagnosis of Down syndrome or other disability.The lower courts had struck down both policies. The Supreme Court reversed the lower court and upheld Indiana’s fetal remains law but declined to rule on the Down syndrome issue at this time.

Fetal Development

The Perinatal Revolution

The Perinatal Revolution is an exciting and rapidly developing field of medicine that aims to treat and possibly cure disease in the prenatal period, and thereby to improve health across the lifespan of the child.

Fetal Development

New Paper Coauthored by CLI Scholars Examines Treating the Patient within the Patient

Study Highlights Key Developments in the Perinatal Revolution

Fetal Development

Saving Babies, One Surgery at a Time

Recently, more news articles are reporting how mothers in the United Kingdom have undergone groundbreaking fetal surgery while pregnant to repair defects in their babies before birth. The common thread in all these stories is that these babies were diagnosed prenatally with spina bifida, a severe congenital disorder in which the spinal column does not close properly during development, also known as a neural tube defect.

Fetal Development

Overview of Legislation and Litigation Involving Protections Against Down Syndrome Discrimination Abortion

Five states -- Indiana, Ohio, North Dakota, Louisiana, and Kentucky -- have enacted legislation to prohibit the eugenic practice of Down syndrome discrimination abortion.

Fetal Development

New Study Details Development Benchmarks for People with Down Syndrome

These findings represent a tremendous leap forward for parents, physicians, therapists, and educators. Now expectant parents can obtain powerful information about the quality of life for persons with Down syndrome.

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