New Obamacare Report Uncovers Massive Taxpayer Subsidies for Abortion; Continuing Violation of Hyde Amendment Principles
Pro-life Americans Deserve Transparency in Healthcare Plans
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 18, 2020
Contact: Prudence Robertson, [email protected], 240-672-2828
Washington, D.C. – Today Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the research arm of Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), in partnership with Family Research Council (FRC) and The Heritage Foundation, released a new report detailing the extent to which Obamacare plans nationwide for 2021 cover abortion on demand and include federal taxpayer subsidies for abortion. The report was compiled from health insurance documents for nearly 1,300 Individual and Family plans sold in the 24 states and D.C. that permit elective abortion coverage in Obamacare plans. Findings are available at
Key findings in the new report include:
- Across 25 locales (24 states and Washington, D.C.), 69% of Obamacare plans (892 of 1,296) cover elective abortion in the upcoming 2021 year.
- 8 locales have 100% of Obamacare plans covering elective abortion: Alaska, California, D.C., Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont. Americans who need the help of the Affordable Care Act to help pay for health insurance have no pro-life options in these locales.
- 26 states have passed life-affirming legislation to prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion through exchange plans. However, residents of those states are still being forced to pay for abortion through federal taxes that fund coverage including elective abortion in other states.
A fact sheet with more information can be accessed here.
CLI President Chuck Donovan offered the following comment:
“Due to the former Obama administration’s severe lack of transparency regarding abortion coverage, the American people are being forced, often unknowingly, to fund abortion through their federal taxes. This violates both the principles of the Hyde Amendment, and the deeply held moral beliefs of pro-life Americans everywhere. What’s more, the program reportedly covers fewer than half the estimated 24 million people its authors estimated would be helped – it is a shell of what it was promised to be.
“Rather than chase the Little Sisters of the Poor with mandates to provide contraception and abortifacient coverage to their employees, Congress should apply the Hyde Amendment permanently and pursue patient-centered, life-affirming plans that respect the dignity of all Americans, born and unborn.”
In 2014, after the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report identifying 1,036 taxpayer-subsidized Obamacare plans that covered elective abortion, CLI and FRC launched to inform consumers about which Obamacare plans include elective abortion coverage. Conducted each year since, plan year 2021 marks the seventh year of this research project.
Charlotte Lozier Institute was launched in 2011 as the education and research arm of Susan B. Anthony List. CLI is a hub for research and public policy analysis on some of the most pressing issues facing the United States and nations around the world. The Institute is named for a feminist physician known for her commitment to the sanctity of human life and equal career and educational opportunities for women. The 175th anniversary of Dr. Charlotte Denman Lozier’s birth occurred on March 16, 2019.