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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: chemical abortion

Fact Sheet: What the Guttmacher Institute’s Report on Chemical Abortion Doesn’t Say

The Guttmacher Institute has released preliminary 2020 abortion estimates indicating that chemical abortions have continued their rapid increase in the U.S. to now make up over half of all abortions. Guttmacher heralds this as progress; however, the report neglects to address critical data issues th...

Filed: CLI Amicus Brief in SCOTUS Case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

On March 26, SCOTUS will hear oral arguments in the case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. In the case, AHM argues that the FDA's changes to regulations of the abortion drug mifepristone were "arbitrary and capricious." CLI filed a brief in support of AHM, arguing that abortion with mifepris...

Pro-Abortion States Accelerate Their Race to the Bottom

Legislators and governors in abortion-promoting states are forging new strategies in their war on unborn children.

Abortion Reporting Laws: Tears in the Fabric

National and state abortion reporting laws and policies in the United States are a patchwork that falls far short of fulfilling the potential of this information to inform and guide public policy.   The composite picture they reveal is at once impressionistic and incomplete, non-contemporaneous a...

The Women’s Health Protection Act of 2013: The Sweeping Impact of S. 1696

If enacted in current form, S.1696 would jeopardize or outright invalidate a wide range of State and Federal abortion-related regulations.

Response to Media Allegations that Abortion Restrictions Cause Maternal Mortality and Female Suicides

Each concern regarding abortion restrictions and maternal health is addressed below from an evidence-based perspective, followed by a rebuttal to the most recent claims in the media.

Overview of U.S. Pro-Life Bills and Provisions Advanced and Laws Enacted from January to May 2021: Pro-Life Banner Year as States Continue to Reject the Radical Abortion Agenda

With the Biden administration reversing numerous life-affirming policies, it is clear there is an aggressive abortion agenda in Washington D.C. It is also clear the pro-abortion sentiment in the nation’s capital is not aligned with the views of Americans at the state level.

CLI Authors’ Responses to Sage Concerns and Retractions

On February 5, 2024, Sage Publications retracted three peer-reviewed articles authored by affiliates of the Charlotte Lozier Institute. Prior to these retractions, Sage issued an expression of concern against the first of the three articles in July of 2023. Reproduced here are the authors’ initial...