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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: Covid vacc

Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Path to Active Euthanasia

The founding intentions of the PAS movement, the grim practical realities of suicide by oral overdose, the legal principles at stake, and the state of public opinion all argue that the move from PAS to euthanasia, once the former is more widely accepted, would be not only a “slippery slope” but ...

Major Pro-life Victory: HHS Cancels Huge Contract for Taxpayer-Funded Experimentation with Body Parts of Aborted Babies, Announces New Approach

Today’s move demonstrates NIH’s investment in scientifically-proven methods for research: adult stem cells, iPS cells, organoids, humanized mice constructed using postnatally sourced cells and improved non-human cell lines—just to name a few.

Texas’ Gain: The Lifesaving Impact of the Texas Heartbeat Act

On September 1, 2021, the Texas Heartbeat Act took effect. This legislation protects preborn children in Texas after a heartbeat is able to be detected, which science has proven can happen as early as the sixth week of gestation

Abortion Reporting: Massachusetts (2020)

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health provided Massachusetts’ 2020 abortion statistics to the Charlotte Lozier Institute upon request. Abortions in the Bay State decreased from the previous year.

Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth”

While many abortion centers only perform abortions in early pregnancy, there are several abortion centers that advertise abortions in the third trimester for any reason. Although media coverage tends to focus on third trimester abortions performed because the unborn baby has a serious health conditi...

New Abortion Trends in the United States: A First Look

To allow for a preliminary view of the current state of abortion in the U.S., the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) reviewed all available state reports for 2017 and 2018. As of July 2020, 38 states had released 2018 abortion statistics. CLI’s preliminary review of 2017 state abortion reporting, pu...

The “No-Test Medication Abortion” Protocol: Experimenting with Women’s Health

A trend of mounting concern is occurring in abortion provision.  When elective induced abortion was legalized in the United States in 1973, one oft-cited motivation was to improve abortion’s safety, as it was frequently claimed that many women were injured and sometimes died from illegal abortion...

Abortion Reporting: North Dakota (2020)

In 2020, there were 1,171 abortions reported in North Dakota, up four percent from the previous year. Chemical abortions reached a record high, surging by 106 percent from 360 in 2019 to 743 in 2020.