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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Search Results for: hyde amendment

Is Induced Abortion Health Care?

Although induced abortion is often referenced as health care, a critical examination shows that there is little objective evidence that this statement is true.

CLI Vice Pres. Dr. Prentice on Human Embryo Genetic Manipulation: “Modest but Meaningful Protection”

On December 17, 2015, Townhall published an op-ed by CLI Vice President Dr. David Prentice on the only new pro-life item in the federal Omnibus funding bill. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.) proposed language to the bill to prevent the approval of the creation or use of genetically-manipulated human em...

Improving Joyful Lives: Society’s Response to Difference and Disability

This paper looks at the highly complex genetic condition that is Down syndrome and society’s response to individuals with this condition. This important paper points out that while research to improve the lives of those with Down syndrome has progressed, federal funding for it lags considerably b...

weldon amendment

Dickey-Wicker Amendment

Equal Rights Amendment

History of Fetal Tissue Research and Transplants

Much has been claimed recently regarding the usage of fetal tissue for research. This brief overview provides the facts on the history of fetal tissue research and transplants.

Written Testimony of Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D., in Support of Ethical Alternatives to Aborted Fetal Tissue Research

On Thursday, December 13, 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on Healthcare, Benefits, and Administrative Rules and Government Operations for the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing on "Exploring Alternatives to Fetal Tissue Research." The hearing was called...