Statement in Opposition to Raised S.B. No. 835
Despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in NIFLA v. Becerra, 585 U.S.___ (2018), which struck down a California law regarding pro-life pregnancy help centers, some jurisdictions continue to weigh bills that infringe on those centers’ First Amendment rights. In February, Charlotte Lozier Institute associate scholar Jeanneane Maxon, J.D., testified as a private citizen on the constitutional and policy problems afflicting RB 835, a Connecticut bill that would authorize the state Attorney General to bring actions against pregnancy centers for putatively “deceptive” advertising practices. Laws based on this premise have been struck down in courts across the country, but organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood continue to pursue them with the goal of closing down these life-affirming nonprofits. Jeanneane Maxon, a former general counsel for Care Net and Americans United for Life, addresses the defects in this proposed law.
The full text of the testimony can be accessed online here: Full testimony