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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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July 11, 2024 Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) July 2, 2024 Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument July 1, 2024 Is Induced Abortion Evidence-Based Medical Practice? Is Induced Abortion Evidence-Based Medical Practice?
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VIRGINIA FACT CHECK: Science Demonstrates Unborn Babies Feel Pain by 15 Weeks

Virginia’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, introduced today by Delegate Kathy Byron and Senator Stephen Newman, would limit elective abortion at 15 weeks, when both pro-choice and pro-life scientists acknowledge that babies are capable of feeling pain.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
January 11, 2023
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Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain

The old, uninformed notions that unborn and newborn babies could not feel pain are refuted by a growing body of scientific evidence. The published scientific literature shows that unborn babies can experience pain at 20 weeks gestational age (20 weeks LMP, since Last Menstrual Period, the fetal age estimate used by most obstetricians) or earlier.


Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain

The idea that unborn and newborn babies cannot feel pain is obsolete, refuted by an extensive and growing body of scientific evidence. The myth that unborn babies cannot feel pain comes from a bygone era when newborns were strapped down for surgery without pain relief.


Abortion Reporting: North Carolina (2020)

In 2020, there were 30,004 abortions reported in North Carolina, an increase of five percent from 2019. There were 25,058 abortions on North Carolina residents, up seven percent from the previous year.


Stories of Premature Births, Anomalies Involving Fetal Surgery and Perinatal Hospice

The following is a compilation of public stories shared by families who were affected by a prenatal diagnosis of a lethal or non-lethal fetal anomaly or very premature birth.


Abortion Reporting: Missouri (2018)

A record low 2,910 abortions were reported as occurring in Missouri in 2018, down more than 25 percent from the previous year. Chemical abortions fell by an even greater margin, dropping 66 percent from 1,062 in 2017 to just 359 in 2018.


Ignoring the Scientific Facts Doesn’t Make the Pain Go Away

Fetal pain, according to Rep. Dr. Kim Schrier’s statements at a recent hearing in the House of Representatives, is “pseudoscience, total baloney.”  Interestingly, though she recalled caring for extremely premature babies during her pediatric training, perhaps the congresswoman was unaware that, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the medical standard of care for these little ones is to prevent pain, “not only because it is ethical but also because repeated painful exposures have the potential for deleterious consequences.”


Landmark Pain-Capable and Five-Month Abortion Bans

CLI is pleased to release a new map showing landmark pain-capable and five-month abortion bans passed at the state level.

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world-class research in defense of life.
