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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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18 results

Health Risk: Alaska DHSS Data Reveals Dramatic Increase in Risky Abortion Method

The most recent Alaska Department of Health and Social Services abortion data shows a dramatic increase in the number of women using potentially dangerous abortion drugs, which according to multiple peer-reviewed studies pose higher rates of complications.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
September 27, 2021
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New Report Highlights 15 Facts Science Reveals About 15-Week-Old Unborn Babies

A new report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute highlights that at 15 weeks’ gestation, an unborn baby’s heart has already beat nearly 16 million times since it first started pumping blood by the 6th week of pregnancy.  Doctors can already tell if the child will be left-handed or right-handed based on which thumb it prefers to suck in utero. 


Health Risk: State of Florida Data Reveals Dramatic Increase in Risky Abortion Method

Newly released State of Florida abortion data shows a dramatic increase in the number of women using potentially dangerous abortion drugs, which according to multiple peer-reviewed studies pose higher rates of complications.


Science: At 6 Weeks, Unborn Baby’s Heart Rate is Approximately 110 Beats Per Minute

“While some people falsely claim that a preborn baby at 6 weeks’ gestation is just a clump of cells, science demonstrates the baby is already a complex human being,” said Dr. Tara Sander Lee, senior fellow and director of life sciences at the nonprofit Charlotte Lozier Institute.  “A preborn baby’s heart is actively beating at 6 weeks and will have already beat nearly 16 million times by 15 weeks.  In fact, at 6 weeks’ gestation, the baby’s heart rate is about 98 beats per minute, which can be easily detected by ultrasound.”


Science: At 6 Weeks, Unborn Baby’s Heart Rate is Approximately 110 Beats Per Minute

“While some people falsely claim that a preborn baby at 6 weeks’ gestation is just a clump of cells, science demonstrates the baby is already a complex human being,” said Dr. Tara Sander Lee, senior fellow and director of life sciences at the nonprofit Charlotte Lozier Institute.  “A preborn baby’s heart is actively beating at 6 weeks and will have already beat nearly 16 million times by 15 weeks.  In fact, at 6 weeks’ gestation, the baby’s heart rate is about 110 beats per minute, which can be easily detected by ultrasound.”


Q&A with the Scholars: Adult Stem Cell Treatments and Life-Saving Research

Paul Wagle, M.A., is the Director of Life Science Development for the lead economic agency in the state of Kansas. Mr. Wagle was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 10, and after a four-year battle including an adult stem cell transplant, he has been cured for over 10 years. He holds a Master of Arts in Philosophical Studies, and serves as an advisor on two healthcare boards including the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Advisory Board.


Nat Hentoff, Pro-Life Journalist Extraordinaire

Few people have ever heard of Ana Rosa Rodriguez. But that is not the fault of Nat Hentoff, the renowned jazz critic, author, and syndicated columnist who died in Manhattan on January 7 at 91. You see, Mr. Hentoff was also a superb investigative reporter, one who was relentless at digging out the truth and fearless in telling it.


Q&A with the Scholars: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Richard Doerflinger, M.A., is a Public Policy Fellow with the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture and an Adjunct Fellow in Bioethics and Public Policy at the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. He was formerly Associate Director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he worked for 36 years.

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