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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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January 13, 2025 Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children Supporting Mothers, Strengthening Futures: Reforming Tennessee’s Policies for Families with Young Children January 13, 2025 Filed: CLI and ACLJ Amicus Brief in SisterSong v. Georgia Filed: CLI and ACLJ Amicus Brief in SisterSong v. Georgia January 10, 2025 Abortion Reporting: Arizona (2023) Abortion Reporting: Arizona (2023)
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Filed: CLI and ACLJ Amicus Brief in SisterSong v. Georgia

After litigation in lower courts, the constitutionality of Georgia's 2019 LIFE Act, which protects fetal life from the moment of a detectable heartbeat, is now being considered before the Supreme Court of Georgia. The Charlotte Lozier Institute and the American Center for Law & Justice have submitted an amicus brief arguing that Georgia has a compelling interest in protecting fetal life before viability due to the evidence for the presence of fetal pain early in pregnancy.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
January 13, 2025
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Strengthening the Pro-Life Safety Net: Federal Transportation Policy

Laid out below are specific ways the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) could offer material support to address transportation requirements for pregnant and parenting women in need by leveraging existing programs, including direct aid and funding for transportation programs for that purpose.


End of Year Update: Tax Credits for Life Affirming Organizations

Many states and localities have established special tax credits intended to incentivize contributions to pregnancy help organizations. This paper contains a summary of tax credits offered by various states which may be applicable to life-affirming 501(c)(3) organizations.


Strengthening the Pro-Life Safety Net: Federal Housing Policy

Pregnant and parenting women in need face significant challenges with housing that make them a high priority for the allocation of existing federal aid, thereby expanding the pro-life safety net. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development alone now allocates about $70 billion in housing programs, providing an opportunity for a presidential administration to extend support to pregnant and parenting women in need who are concerned about their current living conditions.


Prenatal Tax Credits and Child Support for the Unborn: A Literature Review

Prenatal tax credits and child support for the unborn have a firm foundation in common law, as well as statutory and judicial precedent. Prenatal tax credits at the federal, state, and local levels hold out the promise of potentially enhanced birth weights and improved food stability, especially if the credit is provided monthly, is refundable, and is worth at least 10% of the federal child tax credit amount.


Fact of Life: American Cars (and Their Drivers) Exhibit Decidedly More Pro-life than Pro-choice Views

If you have spent any time on American roads in the past decade, you have likely noticed cars with pro-life license plates sharing the road with you. Pro-life license plates are currently available in the District of Columbia and 34 states. Curiously, there is a notable absence of “pro-choice” license plates on the road.


Rockefeller Commission at 50: Pro-Life Leaders Reject ‘‘Heartless’’ Policies, Urge Respect for Human Life

50 years ago, the Rockefeller Commission on Population Growth and the American Future released a massive report calling for the United States to achieve zero population growth.


First-of-Its-Kind Website Makes Science of Prenatal Development Understandable & Accessible

After nearly two years of research, peer review, and development, the nonprofit Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) today debuted, the most accurate, scientific, and up-to-date presentation of human life being knit together in a mother’s womb.

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world-class research in defense of life.
