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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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July 24, 2024 Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2023) Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2023) July 11, 2024 Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2023) July 2, 2024 Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument Experts: No Evidence Behind “Induced Abortion Is Evidence-Based Medical Care” Argument
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NY Health Commissioner Resigns Amid Abortion Clinic Inspection Controversy

Yesterday, New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav Shah announced he will resign. The news comes amidst the scandal breaking this week that the Department of Health failed to conduct regular inspects of abortions clinics in New York for more than a decade.

Nora Sullivan, M.P.A
April 11, 2014

Ohio Abortion Clinic Wants to Use “Local” Michigan Hospital

An abortion clinic in Toledo, Ohio is claiming that an agreement made with the University of Michigan Health System puts the clinic in compliance with state law requiring Ohio abortion providers to have a transfer agreement with a local hospital.


CLI Comment on West Virginia Laws and Regulations Pertaining to Abortion

The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) is a non-profit pro-life and bioethics research and policy organization.  As such, CLI supports the protection of all human life from conception and appreciates the opportunity to comment on West Virginia law pertaining to abortion, abortion regulation, and women’s health.  CLI strongly supports policies which will protect the health and lives of women and unborn children.  To that end, CLI advocates gestational limitations on abortion and government regulation, rather than private accreditation, of abortion clinics at the same level as other facilities that provide outpatient surgical care.


Gosnell Case Demonstrates Need for Rigorous Clinic Inspections

This past week the court case of abortionist Kermit Gosnell took on a new level of dreadfulness as a health inspector from the Pennsylvania Department of Health took to the witness stand.  Elinor Barsony testified to the deplorable conditions she discovered upon her initial inspection of Women’s Medical Society, Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic, in 2010.   Gosnell is on trial for the murder of seven babies born alive whose spinal cords he allegedly severed with scissors.


Unsafe Abortion: More Information Needed for True Informed Consent

The Maryland Office of Health Care Quality is investigating the tragic death of 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli, who died after a suspected late-term abortion procedure performed at a controversial abortion clinic in Germantown, Maryland. 


New Research Shows Abortion Poses Higher Risk of Death than Giving Birth

For years abortion advocates and researchers have been asserting that an abortion is in fact safer than carrying a pregnancy to term.  They contend that pregnancy is a long process and the chance of complications during the gestational period and birth is significantly higher than complications resulting from the abortion procedure.  However, a study released this past week demonstrates that this claim is not entirely valid. 


12th Anniversary of RU-486, a Somber Commemoration

Last week marked the 12th anniversary of the approval for use in the United States of the abortion drug RU- 486.  However, unlike other notable moments in medical history such as the discovery of penicillin in 1928 and the development of the polio vaccine in 1955, RU-486, or mifepristone, calls for a far more sobering memorial. 


WHO No Bellwether for World’s Mothers

In a recent column in the Huffington Post, Dr. Anu Kumar, the Executive Director of Ipas, a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the availability of abortion worldwide, bemoans efforts in the United States in any way to limit abortion on demand or hold abortion clinics to a significant standard of care.  She points to recent laws passed in Arizona and elsewhere as specific examples of antiquated thinking on the part of Americans.

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