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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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January 21, 2025 The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X The Protect Life Rule: Defunding Abortion in Title X January 17, 2025 Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” Fact Sheet: Third Trimester Abortion and “Abortion Up to Birth” January 16, 2025 Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States? Do Late-Term Abortions Really Happen in the United States?
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stem cells

New Study: Adult Stem Cells Reverse Progressive MS-like Disease

A new study published in the journal Neurology found that adult stem cells were successful in treating and reversing neuromyelitis optica, a debilitating autoimmune disease similar to multiple sclerosis (MS). This is yet another medical breakthrough for adult stem cells, as opposed to embryonic stem cells, which have no such track record.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
October 9, 2019
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CLI Announces New Senior Fellow and Director of Life Sciences

Today, CLI announced that associate scholar Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D. will transition to a larger role as CLI’s Senior Fellow and Director of Life Sciences.

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Fact Sheet: Adult Stem Cell Research and Transplants

Well over 1 million patients worldwide have been treated with adult stem cells and experienced improved health, based on data gathered by December 2012.

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Seeking Pro-life Leadership at the National Institutes of Health

In a recent op-ed, Dr. David Prentice and Congressman Jim Banks argue that it's time for a change in leadership at the National Institutes of Health.

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New Non-Embryonic Stem Cell Study Shows Progress with Parkinson’s Disease

Ever since human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) were first successfully grown in the lab in 1998, Parkinson’s Disease has featured prominently as one of the major diseases that such cells would supposedly eliminate.

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Video: Lupus Survivor Cherishes Motherhood after Adult Stem Cell Transplant

Today the Charlotte Lozier Institute releases its seventh Stem Cell Research Facts video which returns to the life of lupus survivor

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Q&A with the Scholars: Adult Stem Cell Treatments and Life-Saving Research

Paul Wagle, M.A., is the Director of Life Science Development for the lead economic agency in the state of Kansas. Mr. Wagle was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 10, and after a four-year battle including an adult stem cell transplant, he has been cured for over 10 years. He holds a Master of Arts in Philosophical Studies, and serves as an advisor on two healthcare boards including the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Advisory Board.

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History of Fetal Tissue Research and Transplants

Much has been claimed recently regarding the usage of fetal tissue for research. This brief overview provides the facts on the history of fetal tissue research and transplants.

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