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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Nora Sullivan, M.P.A

Associate Scholar

Nora Sullivan is a senior development writer at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. and an Associate Scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute. A graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Nora has extensive experience in pro-life research and policy work.  She previously served as Research Director at the Life Institute in Dublin, Ireland where she focused on issues related to Irish public policy, health, and human rights. Nora also worked as a research analyst at the Lozier Institute, where she provided research support and data analysis with a particular focus on health care policy.

Nora’s work has been published by the Daily Signal, CNSNews, National Review, the Daily Caller, the Lozier Institute, and LifeNews. In August 2015, she completed her Master’s in Public Affairs from University College Dublin.

Research Authored

Life & the Law

Slate Oversimplifies and Obscures U.S. Abortion Law Radicalism

Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics

The United Kingdom’s Rubicon on Three-Parent Embryos

Later this month, leading scientists from around the world are set to caution a UK parliamentary inquiry against the creation of babies using the genetic material of three parents.  On October 22, this group will warn the inquiry against such genetic engineering and the possible scientific and ethical problems it could bring.

Life & the Law

Pennsylvania Latest State to Offer Positive Information on Down Syndrome

The month of July marked a step forward for people with Down syndrome  as Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed into law the Down Syndrome Prenatal Education Act, also known as Chloe’s Law, which will make sure parents are given the information and support they need to understand their child’s diagnosis.


Irish Pro-Life Rally Reveals Need for Perinatal Hospice, Not Abortion

This past Saturday, in Belfast, thousands of pro-life demonstrators from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland joined together to send a clear message to their respective governments that “the lives of the unborn must be protected.”

End of Life

Quebec Legalizes Euthanasia, Compromises Conscience

Late last week, a radical new Euthanasia bill passed into law by a free vote in the National Assembly in Quebec.  The bill, Bill 52, passed Thursday afternoon, by a margin of 94 to 22 with no abstentions.

Life & the Law

Royal College Punishes Doctors’ Conscience

Recent updates to official medical guidelines in the United Kingdom regarding specialization in sexual and reproductive health now bar doctors and nurses, with religious or moral objections to proscribing abortion inducing drugs such as the morning after pill, from receiving specialist professional qualifications.

Life & the Law

NY Health Commissioner Resigns Amid Abortion Clinic Inspection Controversy

Yesterday, New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav Shah announced he will resign. The news comes amidst the scandal breaking this week that the Department of Health failed to conduct regular inspects of abortions clinics in New York for more than a decade.

Life & the Law

Ohio Abortion Clinic Wants to Use “Local” Michigan Hospital

An abortion clinic in Toledo, Ohio is claiming that an agreement made with the University of Michigan Health System puts the clinic in compliance with state law requiring Ohio abortion providers to have a transfer agreement with a local hospital.

Life & the Law

Eugenics Compensation Bill Offers Hope to Virginia Victims

When Virginian E. Lewis Reynolds was a child, he was hit on the head in a tragic accident that resulted in epileptic-like convulsions that lingered for years.  Mr. Reynolds ultimately did manage to overcome this affliction and he was able to enlist in the Marine Corps where he served in Korea and Vietnam in the course of a 30-year military career.

Life & the Law

UN Report Details Infanticide, Forced Abortion, and Other Horrific Human Rights Abuses in North Korea

This week the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea released a report detailing the harrowing human rights atrocities being perpetrated by the North Korean dictatorship upon its people.