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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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April 25, 2024 Fact Check: “Abortion is 14 Times Safer than Childbirth” Fact Check: “Abortion is 14 Times Safer than Childbirth” April 22, 2024 A Fact-Free Campaign Against Parents and Unborn Children in Alabama A Fact-Free Campaign Against Parents and Unborn Children in Alabama April 17, 2024 Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2022-23 Annual Report Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2022-23 Annual Report
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Oklahoma Considers Law Protecting Disabled Babies from Abortion

March 21 was World Down Syndrome Day. Fitting, then, that on the same day Oklahoma’s House of Representatives passed its Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2017.

Tim Bradley
March 28, 2017
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Q&A with the Scholars: Analyzing Pain-Capable Laws and Fetal Disposition

Kristi Burton Brown, J.D., is an attorney focusing on First Amendment and sanctity of life issues. She is licensed in the State of California and admitted to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.


Written Testimony of Kristine Burton Brown, J.D., in Support of Missouri Pain-Capable Abortion Bill


Written Testimony of Kristine Burton Brown, J.D., in Support of Missouri Fetal Disposition Bill

On Tuesday, February 28, 2017, the Missouri House Children and Families Committee held a hearing regarding Missouri House Bill 194 (HB 194). HB 194 would ensure greater accountability and transparency for abortion clinics across the state, and institute guidelines to ensure that fetal remains from abortion are not used in research and are disposed of with respect.

Ad Campaign Ruling Highlights Needs for Outreach and Healing

Last December a Canadian appeals judge ruled against the appearance of a provocative pro-life ad campaign on the exterior of municipal buses in Grand Prairie, Alberta.[1] Justice C. S. Anderson stated in her decision, “Expression of this kind may lead to emotional responses from the various people who make use of public transit and other uses of the road, creating a hostile and uncomfortable environment.”

Q&A with the Scholars: Adult Stem Cell Treatments and Life-Saving Research

Paul Wagle, M.A., is the Director of Life Science Development for the lead economic agency in the state of Kansas. Mr. Wagle was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 10, and after a four-year battle including an adult stem cell transplant, he has been cured for over 10 years. He holds a Master of Arts in Philosophical Studies, and serves as an advisor on two healthcare boards including the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Advisory Board.

Q&A with the Scholars: Practicing Medicine and Teaching Family Planning

Marguerite Duane, M.D., M.H.A., FAAFP, a board-certified family physician, is co-founder and Executive Director of the Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science, an organization dedicated to educating healthcare professionals and students about the scientifically valid natural or fertility awareness based methods of family planning.


Fact Sheet: Reallocating Planned Parenthood’s Federal Funding to Comprehensive Health Centers

In 2015, the Congress of the United States adopted and sent to the President legislation whose effect would have been to reallocate funds from one family planning provider, Planned Parenthood, and redirect those funds to community health centers that typically offer family planning, but do not offer abortions. 

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