Seeking Pro-life Leadership at the National Institutes of Health
In a recent op-ed, Dr. David Prentice and Congressman Jim Banks argue that it’s time for a change in leadership at the National Institutes of Health:
Dr. Francis Collins has not shown any pro-life leadership at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In fact, in an interview, Dr. Collinsâ response to a congressional letter outlining pro-life membersâ concerns dripped with condescension, implying that the group of 41 congressmen understood neither the science nor the ethics of embryo and stem cell experiments. Dr. Collins owes us an apology. We know the science, use the scientifically accurate terms and know the ethical facts. Dr. Collinsâ positions at NIH have not been pro-life.
His lack of pro-life leadership might have been expected when he served under the previous administration, which was the antithesis of pro-life. However, now Dr. Collins has agreed to work for President Trump, who campaigned on a pro-life agenda. Will Dr. Collins change his positions and adjust his agenda? When will we have a pro-life NIH Director who reflects the policy of our president?
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