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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Chemical Abortion

Chemical Abortion

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Chemical Abortion

Chemical Abortion Explainer

It is a scientific fact that the embryo or fetus within the mother’s womb is a distinct human being, and, consequently, abortion ends the life of that human being.

Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG
January 24, 2024
Chemical Abortion

Chemical Abortion – Elizabeth’s Story

In a world where abortion drugs can be ordered through the mail and states like Washington, California, New York, and Massachusetts are stockpiling mifepristone and misoprostol, Elizabeth Gillette wants women to know the truth.

Chemical Abortion

Study: Women Report Abortion Drug as More Difficult Choice Than Abortion Pill Reversal

Women experience high degree of internal turmoil, regret upon taking mifepristone

Chemical Abortion

Understanding Women’s Communication with Their Providers During Medication Abortion and Abortion Pill Reversal: An Exploratory Analysis

The purpose of this exploratory analysis is to understand women's medication abortion and abortion pill reversal decision-making experiences, with a particular focus on their communication with their medical providers.

Chemical Abortion

Medication Abortion and Abortion Pill Reversal: An Exploratory Analysis on the Influence of Others in Women’s Decision-Making

As medication abortion accounts for a growing share of abortions in the United States, an increasing number of women are seeking abortion pill reversal (APR). These decisions are typically not made in isolation. However, little research exists on women’s APR decision-making and the role played by people close to them.

Chemical Abortion

Hoja Informativa: Riesgos y Complicaciones del Aborto QuĂ­mico

El aborto químico tiene una tasa de complicaciones cuatro veces mayor que el aborto quirúrgico, y hasta una de cada cinco mujeres sufrirá una complicación.

Chemical Abortion

Fact Sheet: Miscarriage Management with Mifepristone

If mifepristone is unavailable, patients will not suffer, for there are several other effective options available for treating a miscarriage. Fearmongering about an inability to treat miscarriages in the aftermath of Dobbs should be recognized for the ideologically driven, pro-abortion rhetoric that it is.

Chemical Abortion

Online Mail-Order Chemical Abortion: A Threat to Abuse and Trafficking Victims

As the summer of 2023 proceeds, a federal appeals court is continuing its deliberation over a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the conditions for distribution of the abortion pill mifepristone.  At issue are an array of FDA decisions to ease access to the drug, including allowing its distribution by mail and with little to no medical oversight.

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