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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Life & the Law

Life & the Law

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381 results
Life & the Law

Filed Brief: Zurawski v. Texas and Reasonable Medical Judgment

In February 2024, CLI filed a joint amicus brief with the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine supporting Texas in the case Zurawski v. State of Texas. The state’s abortion law is challenged on the grounds that its medical emergency exception is unduly vague, leaving physicians confused and unable to properly intervene to help pregnant women. Texas and CLI/AHM, however, argue that the “reasonable medical judgment” standard for when doctors are justified in intervening to save a mother’s life or major bodily function is both legally and medically sound. CLI and AHM agree with Texas, and expand on why their position is justified in this brief submitted to the court.

charlotte-lozier-institute Charlotte Lozier Institute
March 11, 2024
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Life & the Law

Fact of Life: American Cars (and Their Drivers) Exhibit Decidedly More Pro-life than Pro-choice Views

If you have spent any time on American roads in the past decade, you have likely noticed cars with pro-life license plates sharing the road with you. Pro-life license plates are currently available in the District of Columbia and 34 states. Curiously, there is a notable absence of “pro-choice” license plates on the road.

Life & the Law

Lozier Institute Amicus Brief in Support of Ecuador Law Limiting Abortion

On February 19, 2024, CLI associate scholar Mary E. Harned, J.D., submitted an amicus brief on behalf of CLI to the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. This brief was written in support of three provisions of Ecuador’s Organic Law Regulating the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy: (1) a requirement that ultrasounds be performed prior to abortion decisions, (2) a 12-week gestational age limit on abortion, and (3) a prohibition on the commodification of post-abortion fetal remains. Following is CLI’s amicus brief reproduced in full.

Life & the Law

Public Comment: Lozier Institute on CDC’s Notice of Proposed Modifications to Assisted Reproductive Technology Program Reporting

On January 25, 2024, CLI submitted a public comment to the CDC regarding newly proposed modifications related to data collection and reporting from assisted reproductive technology programs and modifications to data validation procedures. In light of the fact that none of these proposed changes recognized the inherent value and dignity of nascent human beings created from ART programs, including IVF, CLI took the opportunity to encourage the CDC to do so and to consider limiting, reporting, or regulating "the number of living embryos destined for research and destruction."

Life & the Law

Pro-Life Laws Exempt Women from Prosecution: An Analysis of Abortion Statutes in 27 States

A legal analysis of states' current laws, statutes, and opinions demonstrates that women will not be prosecuted in their state for seeking or obtaining abortion.

Life & the Law

Why We Need Federal Limits on Late Abortion to Protect Both Mother and Child

Most on the left vehemently oppose any legislative limits on abortion, and some on the right, even if they identify as pro-life, are of the opinion that a federal limit on late abortions would fail to find consensus and so could not be passed.

Life & the Law

Abortion “Shield Laws”: Pro-Abortion States Seek to Force Abortion on Life-Affirming States

In post-Dobbs America, lawmakers in abortion-promoting states are predictably repealing their paltry life-affirming statutes and solidifying the special legal status that their states afford to abortion.

Life & the Law

The Life-Saving Impact of State Actions Following the Dobbs Decision: A Case Study of Plummeting 2022 Abortion Totals in Oklahoma and Arkansas

In a world obsessed with “following the science,” it is surprising that some in the government and American culture do not “follow the science” when it comes to the reality that life begins at conception.

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world-class research in defense of life.
