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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Life & the Law

Life & the Law

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363 results
Life & the Law

What Wendy Stands For

The Texas legislature tried to pass SB5, which would have limited abortion and regulated abortion clinics.  Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth) filibustered, as it was the last day of the session.  I followed by proxy the events through Facebook.  I had pro-life friends at the senate, and pro-choice friends livestreaming it long into the night.  Depending on the side, it was filibuster by mob or a devious bill and trampling parliamentary procedure (including allegations of time-stamp changing).  By the end of the night, the result was in: the vote in favor of passing the bill didn’t count, because the legislative session had ended two minutes before.

Nadja Wolfe
July 11, 2013
Life & the Law

Illegal Sterilizations of California Inmates Reminiscent of Eugenics Era

Information released this week by the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) has revealed that doctors under contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation used state funds to sterilize at least 148 female inmates from 2006 to 2010 without required state approval.

Life & the Law

Irish Parliament Considers Pivotal Abortion Bill This Week

This week in Ireland, the final vote on proposed abortion legislation is expected to take place.  The Dáil is expected to hear and discuss proposed amendments to the divisive bill, though Taoiseach Enda Kenny has made it clear that one of the most contentious portions of the bill -- legalized abortion on the grounds of suicidality -- will not be removed from the proposed legislation.

Life & the Law

Human Trafficking Report Shows One Child Policy a Lead Cause of Trafficking in China

Last week, the State Department released their annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.  The years report saw the downgrade of three countries (China, Russia, and Uzbekistran) from a Tier 2 ranking to Tier 3, which is the lowest possible ranking.  Countries designated into the Tier 3 category are those countries that “do not fully comply with the (trafficking) law’s minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so.”

Life & the Law

Texas Filibuster a Life Decision

In a scene familiar to many, the young senator passionately defends his state constituents through a 24-hour filibuster while the older senators refuse to listen, but as he grows weary there is a sudden change in perspective and his cause is accepted as the right choice for America.  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a piece of political folklore that unfortunately conveys a one-sided message about the role of the filibuster in American politics.

Life & the Law

Hopeful Signs in Contraceptive Mandate Cases

Last month, courts reviewed two requests for preliminary injunctions against the contraception mandate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  That is, two businesses which do not fit the exemption rules but whose owners object to the mandate for moral and religious reasons will not have to pay the fines they would otherwise be responsible for while the case is being heard in full. 

Life & the Law

Chinese Government Targets Single Mothers

The central Chinese city of Wuhan has sparked controversy worldwide with the publication of a draft ordinance proposing to fine women who have children out of wedlock up to six times the average annual disposable income.

Life & the Law

Vermont Legislature Passes Assisted Suicide

On Monday night, state lawmakers in Vermont approved an assisted suicide bill which will make Vermont the fourth state in the union to legalize assisted suicide.  Governor Peter Shumlin (D) has said that he plans on signing the bill within a week.  Governor Shumlin has stated that legalizing assisted suicide “gives Vermonters who are suffering from a terminal illness and anticipating excruciating pain peace of mind in knowing that this is an option.”

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