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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Maternal & Public Health

Maternal & Public Health

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634 results
Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: Minnesota (2016)

Total abortions in Minnesota have been slowly decreasing since 1999, when its current abortion reporting statutes went into effect. While abortions went up by not quite 1 percent from 2015, total abortions performed in the state dropped by 31 percent between 1999 and 2016. At the same time, chemical abortions have been increasing. In 1999, 81 chemical abortion procedures were performed, accounting for slightly more than half of 1 percent of all abortions. By 2016, the number of chemical abortions had increased by almost 4,250 percent to 3,522 abortions, making up a little over 35 percent of Minnesota abortions. Between 2015 and 2016, chemical abortions rose by nearly 12 percent. The abortion rate increased slightly between 2015 and 2016, rising from 8.4 in 2015 to 8.6 in 2016.

Tessa Cox
November 22, 2017
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Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: Ohio (2016)

Since 1991, the earliest year with information available online, the annual number of Ohio abortions has been dropping. By 2016, the total number of abortions had declined 50 percent from 41,705 in 1991 to 20,672 in 2016.

Maternal & Public Health

Adoption: The Case for the Credit

The adoption tax credit (ATC) as structured today was introduced more than two decades ago by Ways and Means Committee chairman Bill Archer as part of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996.  It is related to the wave of family-linked child tax credits championed by Republicans as the “crown jewel” of the 1994 Contract with America. 

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: Wisconsin (2016)

Wisconsin’s 2016 abortion report reveals that the abortion rate in the state is maintaining its slow but steady decline. Published annually by the state’s Department of Health Services, the 24-page report includes information on all the abortions occurring in the state and on abortions performed on Wisconsin residents specifically. The report is normally released each August, although the 2016 report was published a week ahead of schedule in July 2017.

Maternal & Public Health

Big Abortion Needs Big Government: The Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood

If we want to reduce the abortion rate, we must stop funding Planned Parenthood with tax dollars, writes Dr. Michael New.

Maternal & Public Health

Connecticut’s Annual Abortion Report Leaves Ample Room for Improvement

Connecticut’s 2016 abortion report provides a useful, yet lacking, snapshot of abortion in the state. Though not published online, the annual abortion report is made available to individuals upon request by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Maternal & Public Health

Mainstream Media Mislead on Public Health in Texas

Texas has clearly shown that positive public health outcomes are possible without taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood -- but one would scarcely know from reading the media coverage, writes Dr. Michael New at CNSNews

Maternal & Public Health

 Q&A with the Scholars: From Nursing to Abortion Research

After 25+ years serving on the front lines of health care as a Nurse and then as a Family Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Sharon J. MacKinnon completed her doctoral work in Health Services Research at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. MacKinnon recently joined the Charlotte Lozier Institute as an Associate Scholar, and in this interview, she shares her observations from her nursing experience as well as her recent research on reasons why women obtain abortions, the significant racial and ethnic disparities in deaths caused by abortion, abortion reporting, chemical abortions, and more.

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