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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Maternal & Public Health

Maternal & Public Health

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Maternal & Public Health

Idaho Annual Abortion Report Deserves Wider Access and Attention

According to Idaho Code Section 39-261, the state has been required to report induced abortions occurring in Idaho since July 1, 1977. Idaho compiles extensive information into impressive reports. Why should these reports only be available upon request? Information about abortion trends is very helpful to both citizens and policy makers. These reports should be made much more accessible.

Rebecca Gonzales
June 29, 2015
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Maternal & Public Health

Medicaid Expansion’s Dramatic Effect on Tax-Funded Abortions in Key States

The concern pro-lifers have with Medicaid expansion is that 17 states use tax dollars to fund elective abortion through Medicaid. There is plenty of research which shows that subsidizing abortion through Medicaid increases abortion rates.

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion and Preterm Birth: Educational Campaign Recognizes the Well-Documented Link

Prevent Preterm ( was launched this June to educate the public on three known risk factors for preterm, or premature, births: tobacco use, lack of prenatal care, and prior abortion. Despite a large body of medical research showing that abortion increases the risk of a subsequent preterm birth, information on this link is not nearly as accessible to the general public as that of smoking and prenatal care. fills this need by providing a user-friendly, comprehensive chart summarizing more than 100 peer-reviewed published studies that identify abortion as a risk factor for preterm birth.

Maternal & Public Health

Analyzing the Impact of State Level Contraception Mandates on Public Health Outcomes

The recent mandate by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services requiring private health insurance plans to cover all FDA-approved contraceptive drugs has generated a considerable amount of controversy. A time series cross-sectional analysis of state level public health data offers important insights as to what impact these contraceptive mandates have on public health outcomes.

Maternal & Public Health

U.S. Abortion Reporting: An Issue We Can Agree On

There is no federal law guiding an efficient, organized, and uniform method for states to report their annual abortion statistics. While the majority of states have their own abortion reporting requirements, these laws are diverse and unique to the states. Often these state laws vary, requiring the collection of a plethora of different facts on topics from women’s ages to abortion complications. Lack of uniformity in reporting laws has led to an absence of consistency. Often, abortion reporting is voluntary, removing the incentive for states to produce reports. Abortion advocacy groups, pro-life groups, doctors, policy-makers, and the general public would benefit from comprehensive, timely, and accessible statistics regarding an issue that greatly impacts women’s health.

Maternal & Public Health

Victory for Rhode Island Pro-Lifers: New Rule Requires Abortion-Excluding Healthcare Plans for 2016

Beginning in 2016, Rhode Island health insurance carriers who will offer plans either on or off the exchange will be required to provide an elective abortion-free plan at each metal level at which they will offer plans. Research from the Charlotte Lozier Institute and the Family Research Council in November 2014 showed that Rhode Island was one of four states that offered only plans covering elective abortion for the 2015 enrollment period.

Maternal & Public Health

PRESS RELEASE: Alaska Medicaid Expansion Would Significantly Increase Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

This morning the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), the education and research arm of the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, published a new paper examining how expansion of the Medicaid program in Alaska will significantly increase the number of abortions in the state. The analysis comes as the Alaska legislature considers a law that would expand Medicaid enrollment.

Maternal & Public Health

An Analysis of How Medicaid Expansion in Alaska Will Affect Abortion Rates

This May, the Alaska state legislature will consider legislation that would expand Alaska's Medicaid program. In this timely analysis, CLI Associate Scholar Michael J. New, Ph.D. elaborates four ways in which a Medicaid expansion in Alaska would likely increase the state's abortion incidence.

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