Ground Zero in the Right-to-Life Battle

For nearly a half-century, the towering columns rising from the steps outside the U.S. Supreme Court building have stood like a massive gravestone for the more than 63 million lives lost to abortion.
But following the Supreme Court’s reversal in June of its deadly ruling in 1973 legalizing genocide in the womb nationwide, the front-line battles to protect pre-born babies’ lives have expanded from the highest court in the land all the way to your local pharmacy.
In early January, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) widened the distribution of the lethal drug mifepristone, also known as RU-486, by allowing pharmacies to be certified by the federal government to dispense abortifacients. Misoprostol, the second drug used in chemical abortions, is taken 24-48 hours after mifepristone. Because it is also prescribed for various other medical conditions, it has never been as restricted as mifepristone.