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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Six States and Their Radical Approaches to Abortion Law

In 2019, there was a flurry of activity around abortion laws at the state level on both sides of the abortion debate. While states such as Alabama, Louisiana, and Missouri passed life-affirming legislation, other states went a decidedly different direction in codifying Roe v. Wade into state law and...

Fact Sheet: Abortions at 15 Weeks in the United States

Despite claims made by many in the abortion industry, abortions do occur after 15 weeks gestation, when babies can feel pain. Research shows that abortions after 15 weeks are most frequently performed for the same reasons as earlier abortions.

Abortion Reporting: South Carolina (2018)

In 2018, 4,646 abortions were reported in South Carolina, down nine percent from the previous year and down 24 percent from 2012. 2018 marked the second year South Carolina reported the types of abortion procedures used in the state.

Fact Sheet: Reasons for Abortion

After the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, states across the country have enacted laws that limit abortion. Frequently, these laws make exceptions for abortions for certain reasons, such as rape and incest, risk to the mother’s life or health, or a fetal abno...

Hearing in the Womb

Planned Parenthood: “Irreplaceable” and “Lifesaving”?

In its most recent annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America makes two fundamental claims, both of which are directly relevant to the question involving continued government funding for its services, approximately $555 million in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016.

Planned Parenthood: Profit. No Matter What.

This report outlines Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom’s research in identifying waste, abuse, and potential fraud by Planned Parenthood affiliates and other abortion providers, particularly with respect to federal and state Title XIX-Medicaid reimbursements.

Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2019-20 Annual Report

Planned Parenthood’s excess of total revenue over total expenses is $69.7 million. Last year Planned Parenthood reported an excess of total revenue over total expenses of $110.5 million.