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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

On Point

On Point

Established in 2012, CLI’s On Point paper series provides timely commentary on diverse issues of public concern touching on the value of human life.  

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101 results
On Point

Does Banning Abortions After 15 Weeks Make Any Sense?

Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act—banning almost all abortions after 15 weeks’ gestation—raises the question: “Why 15 weeks?”[1] A person with pro-life convictions could reason that an abortion at six weeks’ gestation ends the life of a child just as surely as an abortion at 15 weeks, or from the moment of fertilization. Someone who supports abortion might argue that Roe v. Wade established a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy up until birth—under Doe v. Bolton’s “health” exception—if the mother is distressed due to the inconvenient timing or other circumstances of her pregnancy.[2] And yet the choices, risks, and long-term consequences faced by a woman with an unplanned pregnancy differ significantly in the first trimester of pregnancy compared to those in the mid- and late trimesters. These very real and serious consequences seemingly never make it into the national discussion of abortion, to the detriment of the women who bear these burdens.

Susan Wills, J.D., LL.M. Kathi Aultman, M.D.
September 27, 2021
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On Point

Women’s Health Protection Act: An Analysis

If the “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021” were to become law, it would impose abortion on demand in all 50 states by invalidating current state laws and undermining the ability of states to pass limits on abortion. These state laws which were enacted by duly elected state officials accountable to citizens of their state reflect the view of a majority of Americans who support limitations on abortion. The “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021,” more accurately referred to as the “Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act,” represents a federal takeover of abortion policy by nullifying the will of citizens and state legislatures. The first version of the Women’s Health Protection Act was introduced in 2013. It has been introduced in subsequent Congresses and has failed to advance each time.

On Point

Legislative and Litigation Overview of 20-Week Abortion Laws

Since January 2010, twenty-three states have enacted statutes prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy. All but one of these laws make at least some explicit reference to fetal pain in either the legislative title, legislative findings, statement of legislative purpose or intent, or some combination of these elements. Evidence shows that unborn children can feel pain by 20 weeks, or five months, of pregnancy and even earlier.

On Point

The ACOG Should Reconsider Fetal Pain

Can a fetus feel something like pain before viability, perhaps even by 15 weeks’ gestation? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says no, but increasing evidence suggests that the answer is yes.

On Point

If it is a Baby, Is it a Person?

The CNN headline touted, “The world’s most premature baby has celebrated his first birthday after beating 0% odds of surviving.”[1] The baby is Richard Scott William Hutchinson and he was born at 21 weeks and 2 days. In the article’s accompanying picture, he still wears a nasal cannula but the device fails to obstruct his view of his birthday cake or the clear joy expressed on his happy, round face.

On Point

Mississippi’s 15-Week Gestational Limit on Abortion is Mainstream Compared to European Laws

In 2018, Mississippi passed the Gestational Age Act, limiting elective abortion to 15 weeks. Mississippi’s 15-week law was invalidated by the lower federal courts and will be considered by the United States Supreme Court during their next term, which begins in October 2021. A comparative analysis between Mississippi and European abortion laws finds gestational limits on elective abortion—terminations performed without restriction as to reason—prior to 15 weeks, and more often at 12 weeks, are common and the norm for the majority of European countries. This comparison found 47 out of 50 European countries analyzed in this report either do not allow elective abortion (8) or limit elective abortion to 15 weeks or earlier (39), whereas, other than Texas, no state in the U.S. limits elective abortion to 15 weeks.

On Point

ISSCR’s Reversal of the 14-Day Rule

Society sits on the cusp of some of the few remaining battles threatening to permanently alter the course of bioethical history; if these battles are not engaged, the proposed changes in bioethics will make acceptable atrocities upon human dignity the magnitude of which can only be imagined.

On Point

Hyde @ 40: Analyzing the Impact of the Hyde Amendment with July 2020 Addendum

This paper provides a history of the Hyde Amendment and summarizes the substantial body of academic and policy research which shows that the Hyde Amendment lowers abortion rates. It uses this research to estimate the number of lives saved by the Hyde Amendment since it was first signed into law in 1976. Our estimates indicate that as of July 2020, the Hyde Amendment has saved approximately 2,409,311 lives.

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