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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
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2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206

Research Type: Articles

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December 20, 2024 Strengthening the Pro-Life Safety Net: Federal Transportation Policy Strengthening the Pro-Life Safety Net: Federal Transportation Policy December 19, 2024 End of Year Update: Tax Credits for Life Affirming Organizations End of Year Update: Tax Credits for Life Affirming Organizations December 19, 2024 Fact Sheet: Abortions at or after 15 Weeks in the United States Fact Sheet: Abortions at or after 15 Weeks in the United States
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Report from the Supreme Court: Lozier Interview with Bioethics Defense Fund Attorneys Nikolas Nikas and Dorinda Bordlee on Oral Argument in NIFLA v. Becerra
Life & the Law

Report from the Supreme Court: Lozier Interview with Bioethics Defense Fund Attorneys Nikolas Nikas and Dorinda Bordlee on Oral Argument in NIFLA v. Becerra

Earlier this year I joined attorneys Nikolas T. Nikas and Dorinda C. Bordlee as counsel on the amicus brief the Charlotte Lozier Institute submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in the pregnancy care center case, NIFLA v. Becerra. Nik is co-founder, president and general counsel of Bioethics Defense Fund (BDF) and Dorinda is Vice President and Senior Counsel at BDF.

As Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Deaths Double, Advocates Push to Expand to Mentally Incompetent & Deny Spoon-Feeding
End of Life

As Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Deaths Double, Advocates Push to Expand to Mentally Incompetent & Deny Spoon-Feeding

A new report by Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) Associate Scholar Richard Doerflinger, M.A. finds that deaths by assisted suicide in Oregon nearly doubled in just four years, with 143 assisted suicide deaths occurring in 2017 compared to 73 in 2013.

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: South Dakota (2016)

In 2016, there were 471 abortions performed in South Dakota. This was an increase of six percent from the previous year, when 444 abortions occurred, but a decline of 71 percent from 1974, South Dakota’s first full year of reporting after the Supreme Court legalized abortion across the United States. South Dakota’s abortion data from 1974 is available in an online database. Chemical abortions made up 40 percent of total abortions in 2016. Chemical abortions increased by six percent from 2015 but fell by 24 percent from 2008, the first year with chemical abortion data available online. South Dakota does not report the state abortion rate, although the Charlotte Lozier Institute estimates that the state rate (2.98 abortions for every 1,000 South Dakotan women of childbearing age) has increased slightly since 2015.

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: South Carolina (2016)

In 2016, there were 10,716 abortions performed on South Carolina residents. South Carolina reports only resident abortions and does not include abortions performed on non-resident women. Abortion data reflect abortions performed on South Carolina residents in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. Abortions performed on South Carolina residents have fallen by eight percent since 2015 and by 29 percent since 1990, the first year with abortion data available. South Carolina does not report chemical abortion data. The state abortion rate in 2016 was 11.2 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44.

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: Alaska (2017)

There were 1,255 abortions performed in Alaska in 2017, similar to the 1,260 performed in the state the year before. Since 2003, Alaska’s earliest abortion reporting year, abortion totals have declined by 31 percent. Twenty-four percent of the abortions performed in Alaska in 2017, that is, 305 abortions, were chemical. Chemical abortions fell by seven percent from the previous year and by nine percent from 2003. Alaska does not report the state abortion rate, but the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) estimates that the state’s rate of 8.52 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age has declined slightly from 2016.

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: Missouri (2016)

Missouri’s annual abortion report for 2016 shows that abortion is declining in the Show-Me State, while Missouri residents continue to get abortions in neighboring states. Published online in January by the Department of Health and Senior Services, the report comprises eight pages in the state’s vital statistics report.

Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics

CLI’s Dr. David A. Prentice Named Chairman of Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Advisory Board

The Charlotte Lozier Institute’s Vice President and Director of Research, Dr. David A. Prentice, has recently been named chairman of the advisory board for the Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center (MSCTC), a leading hub of stem cell treatment, research, and education in Kansas and the surrounding region.

Maternal & Public Health

Abortion Reporting: Alabama (2016)

In 2016, there were 6,642 abortions reported in Alabama, an increase of almost 13 percent from the year before, when 5,899 abortions were performed in the state . Abortions have fallen by almost 41 percent since 2005, the first year with information available

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world-class research in defense of life.
