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Charlotte Lozier Institute

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Charlotte Lozier Institute

Phone: 202-223-8073
Fax: 571-312-0544

2776 S. Arlington Mill Dr.
Arlington, VA 22206



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Abortion Reporting: Kansas (2019)

Kansas published its preliminary 2019 abortion statistics in June 2020 and released the final report in October 2020. The report shows that after increasing in 2018, abortions declined in 2019.

Tessa Cox
February 17, 2021
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Impact of the Strict Scrutiny Standard of Judicial Review on Abortion Legislation Under the Kansas Supreme Court’s Decision in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt

This paper is focused on a narrow matter, namely, the nature of the standard of judicial review adopted by the Kansas Supreme Court in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt.[2] The most important (and decisive) point to emphasize is that the standard of judicial review adopted by the court in Hodes is so rigorous that it is likely to unsettle existing abortion law in Kansas and result in a legal landscape for abortion in this state that is more permissive of abortion than either the current federal standard or the original federal standard established by Roe v. Wade.


An Analysis of How Medicaid Expansion in Kansas Will Affect Abortion Rates

This month, the Kansas state legislature will consider legislation that would expand Kansas’ Medicaid program. Currently, the Kansas Medicaid program does not fund elective abortions. However, in April 2019 in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that access to abortion is a “fundamental right” under the state's Bill of Rights.


Abortion Reporting: Kansas (2018)

Kansas published its preliminary 2018 abortion report in April 2019 and released the final report in November 2019. The report shows that abortions in the Sunflower State increased from the year before.


New State Abortion Reporting Map: All Existing Data in One Place

This groundbreaking State Abortion Reporting Map brings together Charlotte Lozier Institute’s comprehensive state abortion reports into one easy-to-use tool for our friends in the pro-life movement, researchers, journalists and policymakers


Landmark Pain-Capable and Five-Month Abortion Bans

CLI is pleased to release a new map showing landmark pain-capable and five-month abortion bans passed at the state level.


Legislative and Litigation Overview of Five-Month Abortion Laws Enacted Before or After 2010

Since January 2010, twenty-one states have enacted statutes prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy, roughly five months or more than halfway through pregnancy. All but one of these laws make at least some explicit reference to fetal pain in either the title, findings, statement of purpose or intent, definitions, substantive provisions, or some combination of these legislative elements.


Top 7 Quotes from Justice Stegall’s Opinion Dissenting from Kansas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

On April 26, 2019 the Kansas Supreme Court declared that the Kansas state constitution guarantees a right to abortion. The case involves a challenge to a Kansas statute banning the practice of dismemberment abortion.

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